Very good. I've added the first 2. The third, I can't get it to load. But if it ever does, I'll update. And the 4'th, being software, will be added in my Software thread, under "Other Software".
A few other things were added too. Under Modeling, Textures, and Full Processes.
[Edited by - Veovis on July 21, 2004 11:09:02 AM]
Tutorials & Downloads (Under repair),welcome.html
thats a great milkshape charecter modeling tutorial.
thats a great milkshape charecter modeling tutorial.
Page 2 is an evil place for an important information thread to be. Especially since people are now asking for tutorials on low poly modeling. Hence this bump.
I added a new tutorial under Rigging and Animation for IK setup. And please, continue to suggest other URLs for me to add.
[Edited by - Veovis on August 3, 2004 11:54:00 AM]
I added a new tutorial under Rigging and Animation for IK setup. And please, continue to suggest other URLs for me to add.
[Edited by - Veovis on August 3, 2004 11:54:00 AM]
Free modelpacks, textures, sounds...
-potential energy is easily made kinetic-
nice maybe you can update your link which other member provide so it easy to look and Nav. is there any tutorials for Cinema 4D and other 3D software.
Looking FOr
Quote: nice maybe you can update your link which other member provide so it easy to look and Nav.
I don't really understand that.
I include every URL that people give me for Tutorials and Downloads into the original list. They always become hyperlinks when I update the list. Seems very easy for navigation already.
hmm odd loads fine for me using firefox, as for dungeon crafter, might as well update the link to
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Quote: Original post by Veovis
EDIT....oh, and I'd also like some Tutorials for Sprite and Tileset creation. If you have a URL handy, I'd love it.
Sprite creation? Surely you have this url!
Another way to make sprites is using rendering software; that's what I'm doing for my current project ...
I wonder if that would be worth writing a tutorial about ...
Jesus saves ... the rest of you take 2d4 fire damage.
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