
Desing Document

Started by July 13, 2004 07:45 AM
3 comments, last by aa_scenes2005 20 years, 6 months ago
I'm 17 years old and I've just finished a desing documrnt on a completly original game idea of mine. I've got drawings and full in depth descriptions of my idea, but I'm thinking my age is a problem. Now that I've completed this thing what should I do? I cant see a group of adult developers taking me seriously... ~ anwar
You can try to submit it to a publisher. However, without a demo, I don't think they'll even read it.

Why not develop it by yourself or with some others? There's really nothing stopping you.
Do it yourself. Once you've got a good skeleton of a game, you can get more people in on it (but not before then - they'll be all talk).
-- Single player is masturbation.
Age has nothing to do with creating an original idea for a publisher to take a look at your projects,design documents etc.I started working on design documents at the age of 12 and now that I am 27 I have many ideas that still need work but I am having fun with them.I would like to invite you to our team.We are in the middle of the same situation like you.We have tons of projects that only need a few thinsg but that wont stop us frommaking more and new game titles for consoles or arcade units.First did you make sure you have written and signed your name on all of your projects?Also did you include the date and time your started and the time you finished your project?This will protect you from that litle thing called lawsuit.Ifsome one out there has an similar idea like yours but has there game dated differently and you have yours earlier then theirs you win the case.Don't forget to notarize your projects and ask a patent attorney that deasl with game projects and he or she can help you on what youare looking for to get a publisher and other legal matters.The patent attorneys will not take anything from you except for when the marketing starts but its mostly from the publisher themselves.I have read some informationabout this saying that the attorneys never and very rarely ask of any money from the creator.I can;t remember where I have seen this but it seems realistic enough.But if your also looking for a team we would be more then happy for you to join up or just come on in and start talking about video games,animation movie storyboards,trading card collection games or board games and short and feature film productions is also what we are working on now othr tehn two major projects that I have been working on for 7 years and 7 months.these two games are as follows:1)As survival horror board game which will be formated to a pc and console.2)a trading card collection game that has 25,000 cards for the entire deck.There are three decks to the entire game.This card game is based on the japan,chinese and korean ancient wars.
Thanks to everyone for their advice on my design document question. I think I really need to find some people who have programming knowledge. I'd like to consider myself a designer/3D artist/musican. Bulldog, I sent you a private message.

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