
Game Creator, or just game

Started by November 10, 1999 08:35 PM
5 comments, last by Lynck 24 years, 10 months ago
Dude, u wanna make a good game, better get VC and start working on it. U wanna make some crappy piece of garbage, make some soft that will create the game for u. As simple as that. All those game creator apps are not flexible enough/too pathetic 99% of the time.
I myself have often wondered about coding a program to write games for me, and the problem is that whatever you want to code, you've got to tell the computer how to do it. Computers are very stupid, you could do the same job yourself in half the time and save a lot of hassle.

On the other hand, I would heartily recommend that you write small programs to do the really dull stuff, such as game maps and data entry, or sprite designers, that sort of thing.

Leave game creation software to those who can't code.

hey, theres nothing wrong with his idea if thats what he wants to do. The secret of monkey island was a great game (if only i were as cool as Guybush Threepwood )
I'm creating an visual game editor which does nothing but make coding easier. I am gonna use it to create my games. It will use C++ source code and generate C++ source code for modification and compile in an C++ compiler. Personally I think that is an good idea.

PS. Please DON'T steal my idea DS.

Would it be easier to make a game creator, so i could easily make a game, or make a actual game with a compiler, paint program, etc... I want to make a game like The Secret of Monkey Island
Thank you
firahs: I agree, Monkey Island was a great game. I'm not putting down his idea, just the plan to write a program to write the game.

Gnnh, I think I need to clarify my point. Writing a program to (for instance) convert your sprite data or edit your text files is NOT the same as writing a whole Game Kit.

Does anybody here remember SEUCK, the Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit? Very limited. If you write a program to make your game it will need to be able to add all its little quirks and remain general enough (and simple enough to use) for making more.

I considered writing something like that for a text adventure game, when I considered all the events that would take place I realised that I'd still need to code all these oddities in by hand, whether I use a designer program or my own coding knowledge.

Hey man, do what YOU want. It's your code.

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