
how much vram you have?

Started by November 08, 1999 10:52 AM
36 comments, last by Queasy 24 years, 10 months ago
TNT2 with 32MB

Former Microsoft XNA and Xbox MVP | Check out my blog for random ramblings on game development

8MB, although the way I use up video memory in my games you'd think id have a 64MB card .


Well... I unfortunately am still chuggin along with 2 fat megs.


MPact3D (about a TNT-level card from a now defunct-company) with 8 MB.

Though in a month, a GeForce256 with either 32 MB or 64 MB (depending on how much money I have in my pocket when I order it

(Creative) TNT2 Ultra 32 MB
Still Learning...
Who is your target audience? The heavy duty gamer or your average Joe? I think that most game programmers will have better video cards (as can be seen by the above posts). I suggest going to the local computer store and look at the specs for the machines there. If you think that your game will be out in less than 6months, look at slightly above average (price wise) specs, as those will certainly be in many home in 6 months. Anything later that that, just climb the food chain.
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Diamond Monster Fusion w/16 megs
Write more poetry.
STB Velocity 4400 PCI (Riva TNT chipset) w/ 16 megs video RAM
Creative Graphics Blaster Riva TNT 16 megs
TNT2 Ultra, 32 Mb.

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