
how much vram you have?

Started by November 08, 1999 10:52 AM
36 comments, last by Queasy 24 years, 10 months ago
I've got a RivaTNT with 16mb
I have a Diamond Monster Fusion with 16Mg.
I have a Cirrus Logic Chipset with 2MB

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i have a tseng et6000 with 2.25 MB and it doesnt like windows or my voodoo2 so i wont have it for long
i have a diamond viper 770 with 32. my sister has some 1 meg card =)

I have a S3 virge GX/DX 375/385 /w 4 MB (many people has such a card with 4 MB or 2MB)
Well, i have a good MIRO Video 22sd with 2MB
and a Cre/\tive 3D Bl/\ster Vodoo 2 with 12MB
STB Velocity 4400 (TNT) w/ 16MB

btw, I'm moving this to the Lounge where it belongs.

___Currently got a Savage4+ with 32Mb (ehhhh...) and a Voodoo 1 with 4Mb.
___Going to replace the S4 soon with a Matrox Marvel G400-TV that'll have 16Mb.
___Also, I played around with a Permedia 2 card with 4MB and it still keeps up surprisingly well.

[This message has been edited by SonicSilcion (edited September 29, 1999).]

I have a Diamond Stealth II 4 mb
and a Diamond 3D Monster II 12 mb

Martin Björklund

Diemonex Games

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