Quote: Original post by 2xp
about the year 1997 being old :
being in the computer industry where the chips are supposed to double their power, i think 1997 is quite old. the games nowdays cannot just be compared to (at all) to the games made 7 years ago.
I disagree; pretty much all the games we have now are very similar to ones we had then, such as first person shooters, real time strategy, first-person RPGs, MMORPGs, etc. We also had 3D acceleration, cd-rom storage, hard disks, etc. The industry has increased production values but games are fundamentally unchanged since then. Yes, maybe there are fewer 'adventure' games but that's about all.
That's very different from, say, 1992 or even 1987, when platformers and side-scrollers were far more popular, save games would usually have to go on a floppy, you had 256 colours onscreen as a maximum, and so on. That's a real difference.
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that modern developers don't care about story and game play. The fact is they care just as much as you and I, but you have to be on a visual par with games of the period and there's only so much time and money to go round. Broken Sword looked ok for a game of that type in 1997.