

Started by September 12, 2000 11:48 AM
2 comments, last by djsteffey 24 years, 5 months ago
Does anyone have any networking code that I can look at ? Or a class you have written ? I prefer Winsock but DirectPlay will be fine too. I have tried looking through the DirectX SDK and the examples for DirectPlay but cant really see what is going on because of all the other muck they through in. So if you have an example of a server-client model or a simple class that hides you from the ugly stuff then let me know. I know writing my own to meet my specific needs would be faster but this is for non-time critical stuff I need it for. And if I decide to fo for something timt critical then I can use the example to help write my own. thanks "Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time" - Monty Python and the Holy Grail themGames Productions
I have a DirectPlay example app but i in ASM...

Do u think u can understand it?

i can post it to u and others if interested...

post a link to it.
i know some asm
ive got some code using directplay but all the important intializing stuff i borrowed from the SDK. before i went to the SDK i tried to work out the stuff myself but debugging a multiplayer game with only one computer is a tad tough. so i would suggest looking at the SDK examples.

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