
deallocating memory using []

Started by September 06, 2000 03:48 AM
2 comments, last by gumball 24 years, 4 months ago
Hi, I have a ParticleSystem that maintains a vector of particles like so:
vector<CParticle*> m_ParticleList;


I have an ExplosionSystem that is derived from ParticleSystem, and this is where the particles are allocated eg:

CParticle* particle;
particle = new CExplosionParticle(...);


my Question: Is the following the correct way to deallocate the memory used by each particle? (Using []? )
Do I need to do anything to the vector itself as well?

  for(int i=0;i < m_ParticleList.size();i++)
    delete [] m_ParticleList(i); //pretend these are square braks

    m_ParticleList<i> = NULL;    // and these ones too

Thanks. Edited by - gumball on 9/6/00 3:51:38 AM Edited by - gumball on 9/6/00 3:52:18 AM
No, it is not correct.

Only use delete[] if you have a pointer to a C-style array. If you have Stroustrup''s C++ book 3rd Edition this is stated on page 128.

What you have a pointer to is a CExplosionParticle, and that is not a pointer to a C-style array so don''t use [] with it. Use regular delete instead.

Even if you have a pointer to std::vector you still only use delete on it, because a std::vector is not the same as a C-style array - although it internally may be implemented as such.

Jacob Marner
Jacob Marner, M.Sc.Console Programmer, Deadline Games
Quick and easy answer... No, only use delete[] if you previously used new[].

---- --- -- -
Blue programmer needs food badly. Blue programmer is about to die!
No, you should do something like:
    CParticleSystem::~CParticleSystem(){    // for every element in the particle vector    vector<CParticle*>::iterator iter = m_ParticleList.begin();    while(iter != m_ParticleList.end())    {        // deallocate memory pointed by CParticle*        delete *iter;        // zero out pointer to the memory we''ve just deallocated        // it''s good habit, ensures that you won''t use a dangling        // pointer by accident        *iter = NULL;        iter++;    }    // finally purge all elements from the vector    m_ParticleList.clear()}    

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