
Extra Credit: Vectors!

Started by September 05, 2000 07:14 PM
4 comments, last by logicpill 24 years, 4 months ago
I convinced my physics teacher (man this has to be the hardest class in the world after doing game programming hehe NOT) to let me have some extra credit (gotta help my GPA ) if I make up some little programs demonstrating properties of vectors. If you have any ideas please post them here. I know vectors and all the other stuff I''m gonna ''learn'' in this class already so don''t try to teach it to me, I just need some applications, like minigames and stuffage like that. So far I have only come up with a little thing where you pick the angle and velocity of a arrow and try to hit a little target at various heights and a little thing where you have a boat in the water with a water-current vector affecting the direction of the boat and you have to pick a good initial velocity and angle so that you don''t hit rocks. Any good ideas out there? Please post them cuz I need the higher GPA since programming has blasted it to bits these last few years hehe
Ooh I came up with one more! Its just a little car jumping thing where you can drive a bus, motorcycle, car, etc and jump a ramp and you gotta get up to the right speed to land on the other side safely

Any more out there? I need that GPA to go up hehe
the airplane/wind example is always a good one, but may not be much different from the boat one.

------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k
actually, lemme elaborate on some airplane examples. like, releasing goods at a certain time (or a bomb) so that it lands at the right place.

------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k
I seem to remember a lot about effects of gravity and friction
problems with balls going into the sky and landing in x time and how far will blah travel before coming to rest.
Also, we had pendelum (sp?) problems my prof seemed to like shooting blocks with bullets with x velocity esp when they pass through the block leaving the block swinging around.
BTW I''m hoping to use the some of these so that I can write an article on physics for those that don''t get it

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