
win32 Joystick input in VB5

Started by September 07, 1999 12:53 PM
-1 comments, last by Diego 25 years ago
I'm working on a simple game and I want to add joystick support, or more specifically support for a game pad. However, when I set it up in my game (using the joygetpos function from win32). My game pad is configured correctly, or so windows says. To test out what was going wrong, I set up a small program that read the x position and y position and showed them on the screen. I found that my gamepad returned an X value about 32000 when I wasn't doing anything, and then flickered other numbers when i moved the control pad. The y position didn't respond at all. My question is: is this how all gamepads operate? or is it just something wrong with my gamepad? I'd like to know before writing code to get around it. Also, I've recalibrated this thing more times then I can count, so that doesn't help. thanx


-Diego"What is wrong with the world today, the government, the media, or your family?"~Papa Roach

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