
DOS problem

Started by September 06, 1999 01:12 PM
2 comments, last by Emil 25 years ago
The best thing to do is this:

- Save everything important on floppy or zip drive

- format your HDD;

- Install DOS (+ event dos mouse driver)

- Install CD-ROM

- Install Windows

- Install your Graphics card;

- Install your Sound card;

- event. Install MS+


Now you can install the rest

Programming is an art
If windows still boots, try the following:

Click RUN

See if that gives you a DOS prompt. If it does, then type EXIT.

On the desktop, right-click and select NEW, then select SHORTCUT. Type in COMMAND.COM and it will setup a shortcut to the DOS prompt for you.

I hope that helps...

Jim Adams
Co-Designer 'The Light Befallen'

When I got my PC I didn't know much about it, so I don't remember how it happened, but one day I wanted to go into DOS but it showed me a message and it said: "Program now found" and there they are giving my a Browse button for me to find it. I've tried everything I can, but I still can get it to work. Everyone who I have asked about this, they told me that I have to reinstall my Windows. Do I have any other choices?
(I'm using Windows 95 Version 4.0 Build 1212a and my DOS is Version 7.10 if all this helps) Thank you
Thanks I'll try that.
Oh and by the way, no my PC does not want to boot. It says that it cannot find COOMAND.COM and then when I click the browse button to find it, still it says that same thing, even though there is a COMMAND.COM file in the directory that I chose. I don't know why is does that but the only thing is to reinstall my Windows

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