
A unique (hopefully) magic system idea....

Started by August 19, 2000 10:51 PM
61 comments, last by Solthar 24 years, 5 months ago
Turn Players into programmers? I sure hope not - I want to make the system so easy that a monkeys fith-removed-cousin-that-is-half-gerbil can do it!

What do you think of a script like this?

//Solthars lightning orb
NAME Amna la githa
ASPECT lightning



// Solthars Fireball Swirl shocker
NAME Shokun sa ma na //Required - name of spell
ASPECT flame

PLAYERACTION point //optional - defines animation of mage during cast, defaults to none

OBJECT sphere //optional - if not specified, defaults to sphere
OBJECTSIZE 0.5 //optional - if not specified, defaults to 1
OBJECTVELOCITY 10 //optional - if not specified, defaults to 0
OBJECTORIGIN MyHands //optional - defaults to MyHands
OBJECTTARGET other //optional - defaults to other
OBJECTVERTANGLE 0 //angle modifier, optional - defaults to 0
OBJECTHORIZANGLE 0 //angle modifier, optional - defaults to 0

VERTICALPATHMODIFY circlesmall //optional - defaults to none
HORIZONTALPATHMODIFY none //optional - defaults to none

ALSOCAST Amna la githa // optional - searches through spellbook for ''lightning orb'' (case insensitive)
// Also, the "ALSOCASTDELAY time spell" is available for the delayed effects

Basicaly it goes like this: The mage says "Amna la githa Shokun sa ma na" while pointing his arm at the victim, and a ball of lightning is shot out with a orb of fire orbiting it - quite an interestign combo... The script does not do all that i would like it to do, but does allow some high level customization
-----------------------------"Beware the programmer with a screwdriver..."
Saying such a long line of text would be rather tedious for a player. I prefered the symbol drawing that was mentioned in the DOC. I will probably add this to it anyway

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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First thing that I have to say is that this is a really good way of creating spells, and it adds depth to a game, but there are a few holes that should be patched up before its released...

like when a new guy walks into the world and there are so many spells around, the way to combat this is to make spells decay, and spheres (like deities) that are not sued, for example if someone''s scripted a lot of cool fire spells and every mage is using them then there''ll be a lot of fire based magic flying around, this would lead to less air and water magic etc (example!) and so those spheres would deteriorate, and fire would become more powerful and the magic and sphere would become more difficult to control thus eliminating some players. This would then make the players back off or something, and if not then eventually from overuse of the fire spells some fire elementals could appear and since almost everyone is using fire magic they would be unstoppable except for a few people that are using water and wind magic, thus the people (common folk, i.e. npc''s) would follow the water and air spheres more and a balance would eventually be restored...

This would also add some interesting plot elements into the game, since there''d be times of flood, volcanic eruptions, fire attacks, tornadoes etc... would really make a dynamic world, and the magicians would be feared, and sometimes hated for what their previous ppl have done etc...

Imagin a bunch of fighters lynching a local fire mage jsut because of a past grievence in another area a while ago... THat would also make more people hesitant to play with magic spheres etc...

Well that''s jsut my rant...

(Dominik Grabiec)
Daemin(Dominik Grabiec)
Now THAT deserves an originality mention in the doc... Any other ideas?

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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Daemin : excellent !

There is a good book that introduces this principle : "The magic of Recluce". Where the two big magic systems are Chaos and Order. They hate each other, but can''t live without each other.
It''s a good application of the natural balance that exist in most natural systems (I think it''s Fibonnaci that told about it first).
I never thought about the elementals idea, but that''s a definitely great idea. A bit like when Chaos becomes predominant in a region and strange mutations start to appear everywhere...

But shouldn''t the effectiveness of Fire (for example) decrease with the number of users ... a bit as if the amount of energy of an element was limited, and if more users used it, each would have less to play with ? Just a thought, but I will think a bit more about that one !

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Chaos and Order were the two blind gods in the beginning. One wove the strands of life and the other destryed them. The stuff was passed from one to the other in a continuous loop and so the universe was born... as Raymond E. Fiest explains in A Darkness at Sethanon (I think that was the book ).

Then came the lesser gods. They were formed out of the ''stuff'' that was torn appart. Ultimately resides chaos and order. There is a kind of hierarchy of orders in truth. You just rely on the god that you worship to give you the power. This means that you could make people worship a god to gain favours of spells. Fire would not be an effective spell against another fire-weaver because that would be in conflict with the god that you worship. So you are bound by which different gods you may worship at the same time (fire and water would be an obvious no-no... too much conflict). You may worship more than one god, but no god whom you worship is to be in conflict with any other whom you worship.

This would also allow for feuds between the gods that require you to triumph over the other gods magic.


-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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made due to popular demand here at GDNet :)
Such is a good idea

The most used mages get weaker, the least used ones get stronger...

-----------------------------"Beware the programmer with a screwdriver..."
About play balance.

Let the player define effect and the computer define cost. AND to create a spelll research should have to be done. So the old mage in the hut would have to already researched through past spells, tombs of lore ,etc. to figure out how to cast the spell.

So time must be spent researching how to combine different spheres into a spell. AND the cost of a fireball that would destroy a circular mile would be extremely large. (Say 1000mp, & a burning 11kt diamond in an alchemist''s oxygen solution)

and limiting the effect of fire when more people used fire? I still like the old AD&D idea of elemental planes of positive & negative energy, fire, water, air, and earth. Each spell tapped into the unlimited energy of that plane.

Is 'amthst' a word?
What is the meaning of an NPC's life? simple-
"To make the player have fun by dieing horribly you %$^@ goblin! ESCALATE GOBLIN GENOCIDE!"
Imagine, trying to code all of that, and I said earlier, any new discovery won''t be a discovery to anyone since the recipe will be on the net in a heartbeat which would defeat the point to finding new spell combinations. Elemental resource pools are a good idea - one dries up with over use as the other get stronger as they slowly regenerate. Soulbringer uses just the opposite approach as this - one element gets more powerful with use and establishes an imbalance.

Back on the idea of elemental balance, imagine terrible cold, wind, and earthquakes from the lack of fire.

On the idea of scripting spells, it would become a terrible pain in the wazzoo to have to script a new spell all the time. Most people are too lazy to type much less type an entire script. Most RPG''s assume that the script is good already. Now instead of using scripts, make the player keep ingredients for the spells sitting around. Limit the use of a spell by it''s cost to ingredients. Various ingredients cause different reactions/spells to be executed. This isn''t a new idea, one edition at lest of D&D had the optional requirements for the player to have the proper herbs and such available to cast a spell. It wasn''t used a lot.
quote: Original post by Whirlwind

Imagine, trying to code all of that, and I said earlier,

That will definately be fun <BG>

any new discovery won''t be a discovery to anyone since the recipe will be on the net in a heartbeat which would defeat the point to finding new spell combinations. (snip)

We have been debating this very issue... and have come up with a way that may inpede the players from posting these to the web. Ultimately we have decided that with the number of spells that our MMORPG is going to have, if players want to post them... good luck

Dave "Dak Lozar" Loeser
Dave Dak Lozar Loeser
"Software Engineering is a race between the programmers, trying to make bigger and better fool-proof software, and the universe trying to make bigger fools. So far the Universe in winning."--anonymous

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