Original post by Raduprv
Well, the problem is, a lot of people, including me, don't like the fact that you have to obey some strict allignment rules, or else your code gets messed up in various unfunny ways.
As for the obeying alignment rules - thats simply preference, and if you were to apply a logical mind to it you can see quite a few benefits exist too this constraint. (But I understand how this still might not be 'your thing')
And in any case, not obeying the rules results in errors: the _exact_ same sort of errors as omitting { and } on an if statement in C++. Nothing magical here.
Second, it is slow, I seen a Phyton script exporting an MD2 out of Blender, and it took like 6 seconds to do that, on a XP 1.7 GHZ...
Python is a scripting language, so by definition is SHOULD be slower then an optimized, compiled language such as C++.
So, that aside - its up to the user to:
I) Decide where the language should be applied. (Obviously not performance critical application bits.)
II) Implement the code in an effecient manner. (As mentioned above, you can write slow exporting code in any language.)
III) To profile their code, and optimize as necisary.
Using a scripting language (or any high level language in fact) is a trade off. You save programming time, in exchange for adding a bit of run time to the application.
I need all the speed I can get,...
Then a scripting language is the incorrect choice.
You should re-asses your requirements (to see how much speed is really required) or look elsewhere then scripting languages.
I also heard that it's kind of complicated to embed it in your host, and that phyton is meant more as a programming language which you expand with external modules than as a glue language (which is what most of the games need)
Finally here you are hitting upon some truth! (Other then misusing the term 'glue language')
Python is _not_ an ideal language for embedding into a game.
The only reason it came up is that the original message did not specify that it was crucial the language be easily embeddable into a game.
So all that said, you seem misinformed, mistaken - but your conclusion may very well be correct- embedding python in your MMRPG might not be the right choice. BUT it is quite possible to use, and not unheard of:
The article 'Python for Massively Multiplayer Virtual Worlds' is an article covering exactly this, in detail.
It would be definately worth reading.
Anyway, It was not my intention to flame,
just trying to get rid of some misconceptions.
I forgot to copy and paste in a quote from another MMOG:
"Python enabled us to create EVE Online, a massive multiplayer game with a scale never before seen in the industry, in record time. EVE Online server cluster, servers close to 10.000 simultaneous players in a shared space simulation, most of which is created in Python. The flexibilities of Python have enabled us to quickly improve the game experience based on player feedback," said Hilmar Veigar Petursson, chief technology officer of CCP, the developers of EVE Online.
Anyway, there is some merit in researching a language a little bit via there website before disregarding it completely
- Jacob
[edited by - Kevlar-X on May 13, 2004 4:11:02 PM]
"1 is equal to 2 for significantly large quantities of 1" - Anonymous