
Fines in C++, ?

Started by August 14, 2000 12:09 AM
3 comments, last by Fender148 24 years, 4 months ago
I learned this once but completely forgot. Could anyone be kind enough to tell me how I could open a file (of integers) and just read them so I can put them in an array. Thanks!
Depends on what set of file functions you want to use.. Personally, I use the C stream ones, lots of people like to use the fstream ones, or the lower level ones though. Here are some things to look up in your compiler documentation:

fopen (C streams)
ifsteam/ofstream (C++ streams)
_open (I think, lower level, OS file handle stuff)
CreateFile (Win32 functions)
If you''ve got a file containing, say, 80 integers, you can always do this:

    int numbers[80];FILE *file_ptr;if ((file_ptr = fopen("file.dat", "rb")) != NULL){   fread(numbers, 80, sizeof(int), file_ptr);   fclose(file_ptr);}    

Or something like that.

Aeon Software
"Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons!"
Here''s how you would do it with the C++ Streams:

    int integers[80];ofstream fOut;"Filename.fil",ios::out | ios::binary);fOut.write((char*)ℤ,sizeof(integers));fOut.close();// And you would read it back with:ifstream fIn;"Filename.fil",ios::in | ios::binary);*)ℤ,sizeof(integers));fIn.close();    

Hope that helps

The road to success is always under construction
Goblineye EntertainmentThe road to success is always under construction
Thanks guys, I''ll give it a try

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