If it's any consolation, by the time you see all of this, you're cruising toward godliness. Keep in mind that you can load up on the complexity if and only if it's in managable phases. X-Com on the drawing board looked like squad combat, destructable terrain, fighter interdiction versus UFOs, item management, stat management, multiple base building, multiple base defense, national popularity management, financial management, research, trade in black market goods, item creation, story development, and management of an invisible supercharacter named Harvey.And don't even get me started on Master of Magic...
Did I miss something in that game, I dont remember any Harvey. Or is that suppose to be a joke?
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, drown a man in the water and the fish will eat for a week!
[edited by - cmptrgear on April 25, 2004 12:07:51 AM]