
Red Hat 9.0 - Starting a program when the system starts

Started by April 15, 2004 08:17 AM
11 comments, last by Evil Steve 20 years, 9 months ago
Thanks, i''ll tinker with it later tonight.
On RedHat, any commands placed in /etc/rc.d/rc.local are executed upon startup.

You can muck around with the init scripts if you want a finer control over the services running, especially at given run levels, but the above works as well.
hmmm, that script is more compicated than I remember.

Here''s a simpler one:

#!/bin/bashcase "$1" instart) /path/to/my/executable & ;;stop) killall executable ;;esac 

Then do what zeon said.

Alternately, Galapaegos''s idea is the simplest. If redhat does that...

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