Original post by C-Junkie
Ignore the crap about compiling. Gentoo''ers always think this does something special, but it won''t help.
In most cases, it does little or nothing. There are a few significant places it does really help:
Base libraries (glibc, etc.)
Some other large programs
There''s no real point compiling on a P2 since 1) It''s too close to x86 to really matter, and 2) You''re going to spend well into fall if you compile everything
Back to the point, I never thought XFree86 was quite as efficient as, say, the older Win95 and NT4 desktop environments. I think you should try either the love or mm patched 2.4 kernels. Their I/O schedulers are much nicer than the vanilla (don''t know about Con Koliva). Also you''ll probably want to fall back to Ext3 (not ext2, since it''s not journaled). You''ll lose some harddrive performance, but you''ll gain CPU back.