
Missing LIB in VC++ 6?

Started by August 05, 2000 01:06 AM
3 comments, last by Irek 24 years, 4 months ago
Hi Everyone Since I can''t seem to find a better place to ask, I''m gonna have to post it here! I''ve run into a snag with a VC++ application I''m compiling on my version of VC++ 6.0. This is the error: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "nafxcw.lib" I''ve searched high and low for this silly lib file, and I can''t find it! Now the strange thing is that it referenced in a standard header file (in this case, Afx.h) but I can''t find it on the MSDN disks, the original VC++ install disk, or on the Microsoft site. Any idears? Should I reinstall or something? I''ve tried doing a ''/nodefaultlib:"nafxcw.lib"'' which works fine, except the rest of the code doesn''t like that not being there, so it beats me over the head with quiet a few errors. Any ideas why this is missing, and/or where I can get it? I''m mainly concerned that I will keep running into this problem as I try to develop apps and have to keep finding these missing files.. Thanks! --- Irek |
---Irek |
If it is indeed a file that is supposed to be there, then you could always look on the VC++ CDs for it... Or reinstall if worse comes to worse...

And by the way, it is indeed in the MFC/Lib directory on my installation...
its in my {VCROOT}\MFC\lib folder - it''s like 8 meg tho so i aint gonna mail it (a bit to much for my feeble 56k )
Hehe thanks anyways...

I''m just wondering why I don''t have it.. grrr

Irek |
---Irek |
Hehe thanks anyways...

I'm just wondering why I don't have it.. grrr

(Oops, it went twice!)

Irek |

Edited by - irek on August 7, 2000 3:37:29 PM
---Irek |

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