
Tile-based puzzler

Started by July 31, 2000 04:51 PM
2 comments, last by teethgrinder 24 years, 4 months ago
I''m working on my first game. After playing around with a few ideas, I''ve decided that a Tetris-type game would be the way to go. I''ve had several ideas about drawing the screen setting up a timer, etc. My main problem is colision detection. I''ve considered several methods, and the two I''m considering the most are as follows: A) All the tetranimos(sp?) can fit in a 24x24 bmp(if each block is 6x6), but then I have some problems with rotation, I can''t find a colision detection other than pixel-perfect, and I don''t want to get that deep for my first game. B) Another thought I had was to have a templated background (the tetris well, the score, level, etc. and then use 6x6 blocks for the tetranimos. I''m leaning more and more towards B, but I''m curious if anyone has a better suggestion. Thanks, me
This topic should be reposted in a different forum (like theory), you would get more replies.

I would go with choice ''b''.

Find a way to store tetris block data in an easy manor (array of bool''s?), then just track which blocks are falling and move them down, but if a block below is filled (if map[blockx][blocky + 1] == true) then stop the tetris peice, check for full lines, and get a new piece. You might want to make an array of something else though (bytes/ints/whatever) and just make value 0 equal no block, but anything over zero a block filled and have different values to show different colored blocks. Just some ideas.
I would suggest making a char array for the teris board. Have 0 = empty, and say 1-10 equal to colors (or however many you need). Then just update this array every frame using what iwasbiggs suggested. Then when you draw just do a double for loop through the array and blit the appropriate block based on the array # to look into a sprite

ByteMe95::~ByteMe95()My S(h)ite
I''m amazed at how quickly you guys responded. Yes I think I will go ahead and post this on the theory board just because I''m curious, but it seems you have pretty well answered my question. Thanks again


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