class Verticies {
void AddVertex(float x, float y, int pos); //adds a vertex to the list
void DeleteVertex(int VertexNum); //Deletes a vertex with a give point number
void PrintVerticies(); //print all verticie info to the screen
void XYRotate(float angle); //angle in rad, used by rotate, can be used alone to roate object around origin
void Rotate(int RotatePoint, float angle); //rotates around a given point, angle in rad
void ScaleVertex(float ScaleFactor); //Sent as a percentage, e.g. 102%
void MakeCircle(float x, float y, float d); //makes a circle centered @ x,y w/ diameter d
int GetNumVerticies(); //return the number of verticies currently in list
void GLRenderScene(void); //sets up glVertex information for gl rendering
void DeleteAll(void); //clears the linked list.
~Verticies(); //the destructor
struct Node {
float x, y; //position of point in rectangular coordinates.
int PointNum;
Node* Next;
Node* Prev;
Node* Front,* Back; //keep track of the front and back of the list
int NumVerticies;//tells how many points there are total.
//private functions for addvertex command
void AddVertexPos(float x, float y, int pos); //Adds Vertex @ given position
void AddVertexBack(float x, float y); //Tacks the new point to the end of the list
how could i write a class that would extend that into making a 2nd object behind the 1st for a 3d effect, like this:
/| /|
------- /
|/ |/
where the one in front is the original box, and the box behind is the new one from the new class
any ideas would be helpful
An Inheritance Question
Suppose I have a class defined as:
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