Texture Universe: New Free-Texture Resource Launched
This is to let you know that Texture Universe, a new free-texture site for 3D artists, game designers, and level editors has been launched. At this point, the site focuses on 3D FPS-style games, but it is still a work-in-progress.
The site can be reached at http://www.TextureUniverse.com
The site contains free texture downloads, Photoshop tutorials and design tips (coming!), a section of edited and reviewed links, a forum on everything from game editors to inspirational artists and more.
The site has been launched as a vehicle. There''s quite a bit on the site now, but the number of textures and tutorials in the database will increase steadily in the coming week or two as I focus on adding all of my additional content.
Please do me the great favor of checking out the site, linking to it if possible and checking back over the coming weeks as I update the site with additional downloads and tutorials. Also, please check out the forums area, which has a few relatively rare subject headings grouped together. I''m hoping that it will be a place for 3D artists, game designers, mappers and mod-makers to gather to talk about their craft.
Lastly, comments, critiques, links, suggestions and tutorial contributions are always welcome! This is wholly meant to be a community center in many ways.
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