When he said it should work for pentiums he was including compatables. Most clones, like AMD''s or Cyrix machines *should* work, I know AMD does a pretty darn good job at keeping up with intel, so they should all work. But some cyrix machines (Early Original Pentiums) Didn''t support the CPUID command or a number of other commands and were really just souped up 486''s with a 32bit bus and such. But who here is writing a game to run on a 486 or below??
I''d guess that that code should be safe...
Check out that link I posted, it''ll show you how to check for RDTSC and CPUID support... the only thing you''ll have to do is structured exception handling. (In case it doesn''t support CPUID at all.)
Otherwise happy coding!
See ya,
detecting processor speed
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