
Desktop Resize Question

Started by July 27, 2000 05:03 AM
1 comment, last by Odyas 24 years, 4 months ago
Anybody know how to 1) Capture the desktop resolution 2) Resize the resolution to whatever I need What software to use? Any guidance and help is much appreciated. Odyas
Well, you could either use DirectX or the Win32 API. There are articles on GameDev that cover using both to change the resolution... Use DirectX if it''s just for your game, use the API if you want to change it until the user changes it back, not just until you exit the game.

Hope I was clear.
I''ve also got another tutorial on my homepage. How To Create A Fullscreen Windows Application (Full source included)

You can also use the Win32 method descibed there to change it - and even keep it changed (if you want) - even after exiting your app.

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