New to MicroSoft C++, getting nutty errors.
When my team was working with COM we found this error every now and then. The solution to the multiple definitions problem, assuming the code is correct as stated is in your projects settings.
Turn off precompiled headers, or totally rebuild your application and it should go away. We found that sometimes precompiled headers got in the way when you started to move functionality around your files. Anyway the setting can be found under Projects->Settings->C++->Precompiled Headers(drop down).
Hope this helps.
Turn off precompiled headers, or totally rebuild your application and it should go away. We found that sometimes precompiled headers got in the way when you started to move functionality around your files. Anyway the setting can be found under Projects->Settings->C++->Precompiled Headers(drop down).
Hope this helps.
Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
Righty O,
I''ll get right on it, Mucho Gracias Seniors y Senoriatas.
I''ll get right on it, Mucho Gracias Seniors y Senoriatas.
Snootchie Bootchies!
Why is it called a hot water heater? Isn't it cold when it goes in the tank?
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