
Cyberpunk game

Started by January 27, 2004 06:47 PM
0 comments, last by Kertap 20 years, 11 months ago
I recently got a ccg called cyberpunk, it was ok, wasn''t playable out of the box but the idea''s were superb. Now let''s say for a second that ripping off every idea in the game for a computer game wasn''t illegal, it could possibly be a pretty good game. Here''s an outline of some of the idea''s in the ccg. The main resource is money. With money you buy stuff like runners, operations, locations, equipment, weapons, you know stuff. Money comes from your sponsor and locations you have in play. A player wins when he fulfills his sponsor mission, gets loads of ops points of operations and there was another I''ve forgotten. Runners are one of the things that make the game so interesting. You see they all have built in abilities, for example media people can give your locations higher defense, hackers can lower a locations electronic defense, business suit type people can make your locations generate more money and guys called solos are really good at fighting. And the runners are what really got me. They gave me a few idea''s for games which I will now outline. Game 1 Commando Style: Kind of like syndicate, real time killing people but you have some sort of support staff with hackers, corpo''s, snipers. Game 2 Turn Based Game: Like Western Front but with cyberpunky stuff, bigger but less hex''s. Game 3 RPG: Like Shadow Run (not very original) Game 4 Chess Game: The only resemblance to chess is the starting position, everything else changes with new rules for most the pieces. I like the turn based idea and I would like to develop it more but i have to finish tetris first.
GO TO MY WEBSITE.GO NOW.Oh wait I''m not Jesse Custer. Real Life Sux.
Cyberpunk was originally a RPG much like Shadowrun but more grounded in Gibson-esque works.

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