I like the idea, and it deserves a lot of thought.
quote: Original post by The Senshi
Well, good actions are pretty obvious IMHO. For instance, in Everquest it might include:
- Healing other players in battle
Healing other players in battle can be an evil act, in context.
If you''re healing a player so he can defeat the Good King, who would otherwise have been strong enough to withstand the assault, for instance. Or assisting ANY player with healing to accomplish murder.
I think I stand with FreakFish here, murder should ALWAYS be bad, nomatter what. There might be grades of bad. ( "I had no choice but to kill that monster, it was in self defense" ), but bad none the less. Make the players DREAD killing something, unless they are sure that there is no alternative.
( "Damn, if I whack that goblin, I might wake up a wererat tomorrow morning." ).
Give me one more medicated peaceful moment.
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