Imho, the strength of UDP is not that it's faster (it isn't)
Actually, speed IS the main reason we use udp in real-time networking. In many cases, udp is faster and much more responsive than TCP. Notice I didn't say 'better' than TCP. Each protocol has its uses - learn them for yourself and don't take the word of others. Dropped packets with UDP are expected. With TCP however, dropped packets can be a latency nightmare.
Packet acking is not a big issue.
Actually, it is. The delayed acks algorithm potentially introduces a huge per-packet latency (~200 ms in most implementations) that cannot be disabled.
A very informative google string for the ill-informed:
"delayed ack nagle karn tcp udp"
To the original poster: The book you bought is actually the first book I've seen that presents anything close to a usable networking framework for real-time games (it's still lacking quite a bit, but it presents the right concepts).
you can check the specs for RFC908 (it's old, but well described so you adapt some ideas from it)
It (rfc 908 - "RDP") is in wide use today actually. RDP is used by RealNetworks streaming servers/clients (although RN has a slightly modified version, they DO use standard RDP for QuickTime video support). Also, I believe VoIP uses RDP as well. As cbenoi said, adapt concepts for your usage, as it isn't particularly suited for use in gaming.
[edited by - fingh on January 21, 2004 3:04:37 PM]