
[java] Java applet notinited

Started by July 23, 2000 09:42 AM
0 comments, last by LeeIsMe 24 years, 5 months ago
Browsers that view my applet and don''t have the jdk 1.3 get an error message "applet notinited". I installed the java2 plugin on my test computer, and converted the html to java2 compatible form. It still gets the notinited error. I thought it should at least come up with the debugging text and just stop when it reaches a library it doesn''t have. I also thought that there aren''t any libraries in the jdk that aren''t in the runtime plugin. I am using ...*; javax.swing.*; java.awt.*; java.awt.event.*; java.util.*;*; java.lang.String; javax.sound.midi.*;

Everything looks vanilla. The javax.swing.* and javax.sound.midi.* won''t work in a typical browser, but should be fine under the 1.3 plugin. What exceptions get written out to the java consoles? Can pull up a simple JApplet using the plugin? If you can open up a simple applet, then you know your code is probably getting loaded, and you can try / catch your constructor and init() methods to pinpoint the failure.

Hope that helps.


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