Project Esper StoryLine! So Far!
Forgive me for any spelling mistakes or typos I havent checked it over yet. Hope you enjoy the story. I realize it needs a little work any help is welcome. Still in the ruff draft stage.
Project Esper
In a not so distance future, a time of relentless war, torment, and chaos. A world filled with technolgie without plant life, with a black cloud covered sky, without light. Dureing this parilice time. A group of scientist known as fusion worked on a project in secret. If the great Mecha Lords came to knowledge that some one was working on a project that would take away or limit there great powers they would execute them. The project that fusion was working on was a ay to turn back time to alter certain events that had made this world into the cold desolate world that it is today.
The project name was entitled Project Esper. None of the scientist really were prepared for the fate that was to come to them working on this project.
While they were working on the completion of Project Esper late one night. They heard the footsteps of a mecha in the city where the mecha are resricted due to the enormous damage they can cause. Hearing these foot steps they went up to take alook at what was going on. They glance about and finally got a glance at the mecha and soldiers that were accompanying it. It very much like they were searching for something. Of course the scientist knew already what they were searching for. They were looking for Project Esper and who was working on it. So in a panic the scientist rushed the preparations for testing Project Esper. In there Panic they must have missed some calculation because what horrid pain and torture that is about to be put upon them is almost unimaginable.
They finally finish there preperations and start up Project Esper but of course something was wrong panicing hereing the mecha foot steps get closer they try to find out what the problem is. All the monitors glowing red flashing critical mass and the un emotional computer saying you will reach critical mass in 1 minute saused the scientist to panic. With all there panic they forgot to hook the failsafes up. No autoshut offs not anything. So as rushed around the room trying to figure out what was wrong the Mecha got closer to there location. Finally the mecha was upon them tearing the roof off their lab. Finally finding the group of scientist know as fusion. One of the scientist looked up at the mech realizeing that it was Sorevok the worst of all the mech lords also the lead scientist on the project that created these mecha. Frightened the scientist looked around grabbing at things that he could use as weapons, then suddenly he heard 5 seconds till critical mass and kneeled down and prayed. Praying for something better then the world he was in. 4 seconds, 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second, you have reached critical mass. But nothing happened and Sorevok laffed his maniacle laff as he always does when things go wrong for his oposition. then raised up his mecha''s fist. the scientist screamed Wait! Stop! But it was already to late. Then BOOOM. The bluesh whiteflmes engulfed them engulfed Sorevok and most of the planet as well. It is said that the flame was so big that the gods could see them.
With the explosion they thought they were dead but they werent it was so peacefull for a few minutes. Finally they thought they were at peace no more war no more darkness peace at last. But this was not the case. Moments later they started their frightening decent into what will become there destiny. In their decent they were ripped, mutalated, and shaped by time itself. They saw everything the past the future the present and what could have been. In the wake of all there pain and torment they saw a new world forming from there own thoughts and soul but of course in the midst of it all was Sorevok the evil side of it all. Sorevok seeing what was happening used his mind to create in the world what was most precious to him and what would aid him comeing back to control the innocent new world. Pressing farther into there decent the all closer to death except Sorevok thriveing on the pain somehow, the scientist see there thoughts and dreams being shattered by Sorevoks evil mind. All the scientist gather the last of there strength to try and counteract some of his evil. Finally they all reach the bottom of there decent the new world is created but not with out conciquence. Alot of the scientists blood was spilled as well as Sorevoks. Alot of the scientist didn''t make the decent. Leaving a total of 15 scientist in which 4 of them were tainted by Sorevoks blood in there weekend states. Finally releived that their decent has come to an end they fall in a deep slumber shapeing and influencing the world in their slumber.
Ages pass before they finally awaken from there long needed slumber. They realize the great powers they have obtained from there long decent and in time learn to use there great powers. In there obsession mastering there powers they dont realize the grief that Sorevok is putting on the newly created world. Comeing out of there obsession with there new powers they realize what Sorevok is doing to the untainted new world. Comeing to there sences the 11 scientist unite with each there own unique powers.
.:: Definative ::.
.:: Definative ::.
Okay I haven''t read this yet, but are you and VashStampede working on parallel storylines?
[font "arial"] Everything you can real.
The first paragraph made me think of the Matrix. I stopped reading shortly thereafter.
I think once its cleaned up it should be pretty good, I'm interested in where your going to go with this game, you now have 11 super power scientist and 1 super powered evil scientist
The ending needs to be expanded, it ends really quick..
[edited by - Turt99 on December 18, 2003 4:11:21 PM]
The ending needs to be expanded, it ends really quick..
[edited by - Turt99 on December 18, 2003 4:11:21 PM]
I have to try to summarize this, because after a few readings my head is starting to hurt pretty badly.
It''s The Future (TM). The world is pretty damned screwed up, and it''s all our fault. These "Fusion" scientists are trying to make a time machine (Project Esper) to go back in time and change (some unknown event or events) that will save humanity from itself.
Fast forward. Near completion, working through the night, army rolls in. Mechanized army, under the command of an evil scientist (we talking Mega Man or Cubix here?). Fusion boyz stupidly decide to power up the obviously unfinished project, since they''re facing torture and/or certain, painful death (if we''re going down, we''re taking everyone with us?). After hitting the big red button, the red-shirted scientist (star trek joke there) prays for world peace while counting down the destruction of life as we know it. Evil mad scientist cackles, as they all do. Big boom.
Surreal imagery. Scientists and Sorevok watch as the universe crumbles, then starts to reform. They''re all torn to bits, reduced to atoms, yet magically? supernaturally? paranormally? retain all awareness of their state(s?) of being while all of this is going on. They watch the reformation of the universe, and for whatever reason their life essence and thoughts are contributing to that creation.
Welcome to godhood, may I check your coat?
Sorevok decides he''s going to make the world in his own image, the remaining scientists aren''t too cool with that, and cosmic battle begins. (Side note: does it really make a point whether blood is spilled, since their entire physical form was atomized, split apart and smashed together over and over? Blood seems pretty silly at this point).
Sorevok obviously kicks major booty, since he''s slaying scientists left and right. Somehow his blood is magically evil now, and it taints 4 scientists. I assume this means they''re on his side now, although I''m of the personal opinion that if they''re like him he''s going to have some pretty annoying competition on his hands in a few millenia. Eleven "good" scientists survive this battle/universe creation. Pretty damned worn out, they go nappie. Zzzz.
Fast forward a few millenia. God-scientists wake up, and I guess the world is a pretty messed up place (have we come full circle now?) The Fusion scientists/gods, each with unique powers and abilities, combine with their Zords, I mean, combine with their powers to combat the evil of Sorevok. End story.
Truthfully? If you''re a fan of the DIC/Saban type of Power Ranger storylines then yes it absolutely works very well in that genre. Beyond''s a tough sell, the way it is right now.
It''s The Future (TM). The world is pretty damned screwed up, and it''s all our fault. These "Fusion" scientists are trying to make a time machine (Project Esper) to go back in time and change (some unknown event or events) that will save humanity from itself.
Fast forward. Near completion, working through the night, army rolls in. Mechanized army, under the command of an evil scientist (we talking Mega Man or Cubix here?). Fusion boyz stupidly decide to power up the obviously unfinished project, since they''re facing torture and/or certain, painful death (if we''re going down, we''re taking everyone with us?). After hitting the big red button, the red-shirted scientist (star trek joke there) prays for world peace while counting down the destruction of life as we know it. Evil mad scientist cackles, as they all do. Big boom.
Surreal imagery. Scientists and Sorevok watch as the universe crumbles, then starts to reform. They''re all torn to bits, reduced to atoms, yet magically? supernaturally? paranormally? retain all awareness of their state(s?) of being while all of this is going on. They watch the reformation of the universe, and for whatever reason their life essence and thoughts are contributing to that creation.
Welcome to godhood, may I check your coat?
Sorevok decides he''s going to make the world in his own image, the remaining scientists aren''t too cool with that, and cosmic battle begins. (Side note: does it really make a point whether blood is spilled, since their entire physical form was atomized, split apart and smashed together over and over? Blood seems pretty silly at this point).
Sorevok obviously kicks major booty, since he''s slaying scientists left and right. Somehow his blood is magically evil now, and it taints 4 scientists. I assume this means they''re on his side now, although I''m of the personal opinion that if they''re like him he''s going to have some pretty annoying competition on his hands in a few millenia. Eleven "good" scientists survive this battle/universe creation. Pretty damned worn out, they go nappie. Zzzz.
Fast forward a few millenia. God-scientists wake up, and I guess the world is a pretty messed up place (have we come full circle now?) The Fusion scientists/gods, each with unique powers and abilities, combine with their Zords, I mean, combine with their powers to combat the evil of Sorevok. End story.
Truthfully? If you''re a fan of the DIC/Saban type of Power Ranger storylines then yes it absolutely works very well in that genre. Beyond''s a tough sell, the way it is right now.
[font "arial"] Everything you can real.
Ok so like I said it is ruff so many ideas in my head but cant get it all to sound right on paper. But anyways thank you Eric for the re-write maybe you will help more in the future storylines.
Yes Vash is my brother not fond of his storyline as to how fantasy and mechanica come to coexist I wrote my own.
So without further delay I introduce the rewrite by Eric Trickster. Thanks so much.
In the not so distant future, the world is relentlessly tormented by war and chaos. The sky is seared black, allowing no light to penetrate the atmosphere. All plant life has withered and will soon be completely destroyed. It is a time when Mechas rule the streets, and men form resistances to counter them. These groups are comprised of men from all walks of life; discrimination deals death to men and power to the Mechas. One such group is a group of scientists who call themselves Fusion. Fusion has nearly completed the design and construction of a device that can turn back time. Their hope is to alter certain events that accelerated the Mecha wars and the slow destruction of Earth. The device is known as Project Esper.
On 23 June, Fusion is working through the night. Suddenly, an earthquake seems to ripple throughout the lab, a converted warehouse in the inner city. A second ripple followed the first. Then, a third ripple shook the lab. Fusion quickly realized that the earthquake was only the result of a Mecha moving through the streets nearby. Due to their massive size and damage capabilities, Mechas usually refrain from moving too far into the inner city. The scientists knew that searches were being conducted to find Project Esper and capture those who developed it. With the Mecha drawing closer and closer, Fusion frenzies into a panic. Though some of the initial tests had only been partial successes, they decide that the time to use the machine has finally arrived. Knobs are turned furiously, and all papers are set to fire, so that no one could duplicate the experiment. Another ripple rips through the lab, jostling tables and knocking over cups of coffee. Unbeknownst to the scientific team, part of the calibration is knocked out of alignment. Monitors flood red and warning indicators begin to sound throughout the lab. The team scrambles to solve the problem, but it is to no avail. The experiment is tainted, and Fusion has no possible way of fixing the problem. A rather unemotional voice begins to emit from the speakers, "Warning. Critical mass will be obtained in one minute, fifty-nine seconds, fifty-eight..."
A final footstep from the Mecha indicates that it is standing just outside the warehouse, undoubtedly able to hear the failing experiment within. A metallic screech stops the scientists in their tracks. All the lights in the building blow out, and the only light is emitted from the monitors and the device itself. They instinctively look up to see that the ceiling is no longer completely connected to the building, but that part of the roof has been curled from the edge. The red glow reveals the face of Sorevoks, the chief of the Mechas, peering down on the team with a sinister grin. His maniacal laugh resounds through the building as he raises his large fist to crush the machine and capture the scientists. One of the scientists gasps, then yells, "No! You don''t know what you''re-"
The timer had reached zero. In that instant, time ceased. Then, it began again, moving very slowly. The scientists were a frenzied mob, trying to escape the blast. The device imploded, then exploded, spewing blue-white flames. They started small, at first. As they passed through objects, they seemed to gain strength and speed. The scientists and Serekov were completely engulfed. The explosion shook the entire Earth, and the flames came soon after. Most of Earth was engulfed before the flames died out. Legends say that the gods took notice, and they shuddered.
Many people died that night, but the thirty scientists and Sorevoks were not among them. Indeed, after the explosion, there was a complete peace, and each man thought that he had died. After a few moments, they realized that they had created a void, not terribly unlike what the universe was theorized to be like a few short nanoseconds after the Big Bang. Then, flashes. Each individual saw all of time that was, is, and could be. It was only then that the origin of Sorevoks became apparent.
Shortly after the turn of the new century, the Government became fearful of an uprising by its citizens, and it secretly began researching ways to maintain the peace. One such area of research was in the area of cyborgs. The head scientist, Dr. Sorevoks, was a brilliant young man who had been on the Mecha Project from the start. The Government decided that it wanted to make a man ten times his normal size, making him ten times as strong as well. The Mecha Project progressed by leaps and bounds, with the scientists quickly discovering the secrets of size and strength in a man. Their theory became that meshing the human skeleton with steel could make him stronger still, enough even after considering the added body mass. With each report Sorevoks gave to the Government, the more generous the Government became. The time to test had finally come. The scientists were afraid to test on rodents or monkeys. Since the animals lack a human degree of intelligence and control, they might break free and have the capability to terrorize a city before being stopped. Dr. Sorevoks selflessly volunteered to be the first test, proving his complete trust in the Mecha Project and its scientists.
The test proved to be more painful than imagined. The process of meshing the human body with a steel exoskeleton was a long and enduring process. As soon as the process had begun, Dr. Sorevoks began to stretch and grow. He had quickly become twice his size. So quickly, in fact, that some of the chief scientists began to worry about the outcome. The process continued through the night and well into the next day. When complete, Dr. Sorevoks was not ten, but twenty times his original size, and roughly fifty times as strong. He began to move, clumsily at first, with increasing control. His stamina and strength were uncharted, and the Government was well pleased. It immediately tripled funding and demanded that a small army be assembled. Sorevoks was to be their leader.
What was left to be discovered, however, is that the process promotes slight derangement. With his newfound strength, Sorevoks realized his unique ability to reckon with those who had the power he so craved. He decided to bide his time, and wait for his army to be assembled. It took twenty years. When finally assembled, Sorevoks led a group of five hundred oversized half-crazed men into battle against those who had ordered their construction. And so the Mecha wars began.
A flash. A different time and place was revealed to all stuck in the void. All this repeated until ever event in history was seen. Then, silence and nothingness. Suddenly, a thought struck one of the scientists, and a world appeared in the distance. Startled at first, everyone in the void slowly began to contemplate the world in front of them, growing larger. Stars began to form. Planets of various shapes and sizes appeared. As a thought flashed through each persons mind, it became reality. The worlds became populated with animals and plants. The universe began to expand and fill with phenomena seen throughout history. Slowly, the scientists became to realize that their very thoughts were coming true, exposing each to be some sort of god. Evil entered the ever-approaching planet, and Fusion realized that Sorevoks had realized his power as well, already twisting the world to his own. The planet now loomed in the distance, and everyone realized they were falling to it. A short battle began between Fusion and Sorevoks, with each side attempting to create the world according to its own will, undoing what the opponent had done and adding a bit to the world. They abruptly entered the atmosphere and plummeted to the ground below. Despite their new abilities, the fall killed fifteen of the scientists. Sorevoks lost massive amounts of blood, which tainted four of the remaining scientists. All sixteen left alive slept for ages. Upon awakening, the five evil gods, with Sorevoks in the lead, made war against the eleven sacred gods for control of the planet.
A clash of gods and titans was about to begin...
.:: Definative ::.
Yes Vash is my brother not fond of his storyline as to how fantasy and mechanica come to coexist I wrote my own.
So without further delay I introduce the rewrite by Eric Trickster. Thanks so much.
In the not so distant future, the world is relentlessly tormented by war and chaos. The sky is seared black, allowing no light to penetrate the atmosphere. All plant life has withered and will soon be completely destroyed. It is a time when Mechas rule the streets, and men form resistances to counter them. These groups are comprised of men from all walks of life; discrimination deals death to men and power to the Mechas. One such group is a group of scientists who call themselves Fusion. Fusion has nearly completed the design and construction of a device that can turn back time. Their hope is to alter certain events that accelerated the Mecha wars and the slow destruction of Earth. The device is known as Project Esper.
On 23 June, Fusion is working through the night. Suddenly, an earthquake seems to ripple throughout the lab, a converted warehouse in the inner city. A second ripple followed the first. Then, a third ripple shook the lab. Fusion quickly realized that the earthquake was only the result of a Mecha moving through the streets nearby. Due to their massive size and damage capabilities, Mechas usually refrain from moving too far into the inner city. The scientists knew that searches were being conducted to find Project Esper and capture those who developed it. With the Mecha drawing closer and closer, Fusion frenzies into a panic. Though some of the initial tests had only been partial successes, they decide that the time to use the machine has finally arrived. Knobs are turned furiously, and all papers are set to fire, so that no one could duplicate the experiment. Another ripple rips through the lab, jostling tables and knocking over cups of coffee. Unbeknownst to the scientific team, part of the calibration is knocked out of alignment. Monitors flood red and warning indicators begin to sound throughout the lab. The team scrambles to solve the problem, but it is to no avail. The experiment is tainted, and Fusion has no possible way of fixing the problem. A rather unemotional voice begins to emit from the speakers, "Warning. Critical mass will be obtained in one minute, fifty-nine seconds, fifty-eight..."
A final footstep from the Mecha indicates that it is standing just outside the warehouse, undoubtedly able to hear the failing experiment within. A metallic screech stops the scientists in their tracks. All the lights in the building blow out, and the only light is emitted from the monitors and the device itself. They instinctively look up to see that the ceiling is no longer completely connected to the building, but that part of the roof has been curled from the edge. The red glow reveals the face of Sorevoks, the chief of the Mechas, peering down on the team with a sinister grin. His maniacal laugh resounds through the building as he raises his large fist to crush the machine and capture the scientists. One of the scientists gasps, then yells, "No! You don''t know what you''re-"
The timer had reached zero. In that instant, time ceased. Then, it began again, moving very slowly. The scientists were a frenzied mob, trying to escape the blast. The device imploded, then exploded, spewing blue-white flames. They started small, at first. As they passed through objects, they seemed to gain strength and speed. The scientists and Serekov were completely engulfed. The explosion shook the entire Earth, and the flames came soon after. Most of Earth was engulfed before the flames died out. Legends say that the gods took notice, and they shuddered.
Many people died that night, but the thirty scientists and Sorevoks were not among them. Indeed, after the explosion, there was a complete peace, and each man thought that he had died. After a few moments, they realized that they had created a void, not terribly unlike what the universe was theorized to be like a few short nanoseconds after the Big Bang. Then, flashes. Each individual saw all of time that was, is, and could be. It was only then that the origin of Sorevoks became apparent.
Shortly after the turn of the new century, the Government became fearful of an uprising by its citizens, and it secretly began researching ways to maintain the peace. One such area of research was in the area of cyborgs. The head scientist, Dr. Sorevoks, was a brilliant young man who had been on the Mecha Project from the start. The Government decided that it wanted to make a man ten times his normal size, making him ten times as strong as well. The Mecha Project progressed by leaps and bounds, with the scientists quickly discovering the secrets of size and strength in a man. Their theory became that meshing the human skeleton with steel could make him stronger still, enough even after considering the added body mass. With each report Sorevoks gave to the Government, the more generous the Government became. The time to test had finally come. The scientists were afraid to test on rodents or monkeys. Since the animals lack a human degree of intelligence and control, they might break free and have the capability to terrorize a city before being stopped. Dr. Sorevoks selflessly volunteered to be the first test, proving his complete trust in the Mecha Project and its scientists.
The test proved to be more painful than imagined. The process of meshing the human body with a steel exoskeleton was a long and enduring process. As soon as the process had begun, Dr. Sorevoks began to stretch and grow. He had quickly become twice his size. So quickly, in fact, that some of the chief scientists began to worry about the outcome. The process continued through the night and well into the next day. When complete, Dr. Sorevoks was not ten, but twenty times his original size, and roughly fifty times as strong. He began to move, clumsily at first, with increasing control. His stamina and strength were uncharted, and the Government was well pleased. It immediately tripled funding and demanded that a small army be assembled. Sorevoks was to be their leader.
What was left to be discovered, however, is that the process promotes slight derangement. With his newfound strength, Sorevoks realized his unique ability to reckon with those who had the power he so craved. He decided to bide his time, and wait for his army to be assembled. It took twenty years. When finally assembled, Sorevoks led a group of five hundred oversized half-crazed men into battle against those who had ordered their construction. And so the Mecha wars began.
A flash. A different time and place was revealed to all stuck in the void. All this repeated until ever event in history was seen. Then, silence and nothingness. Suddenly, a thought struck one of the scientists, and a world appeared in the distance. Startled at first, everyone in the void slowly began to contemplate the world in front of them, growing larger. Stars began to form. Planets of various shapes and sizes appeared. As a thought flashed through each persons mind, it became reality. The worlds became populated with animals and plants. The universe began to expand and fill with phenomena seen throughout history. Slowly, the scientists became to realize that their very thoughts were coming true, exposing each to be some sort of god. Evil entered the ever-approaching planet, and Fusion realized that Sorevoks had realized his power as well, already twisting the world to his own. The planet now loomed in the distance, and everyone realized they were falling to it. A short battle began between Fusion and Sorevoks, with each side attempting to create the world according to its own will, undoing what the opponent had done and adding a bit to the world. They abruptly entered the atmosphere and plummeted to the ground below. Despite their new abilities, the fall killed fifteen of the scientists. Sorevoks lost massive amounts of blood, which tainted four of the remaining scientists. All sixteen left alive slept for ages. Upon awakening, the five evil gods, with Sorevoks in the lead, made war against the eleven sacred gods for control of the planet.
A clash of gods and titans was about to begin...
.:: Definative ::.
.:: Definative ::.
Much better storyline, and a lot more coherent. This I could see as a game concept.
[font "arial"] Everything you can real.
Yes its is! I am not a writer by any means im artist but I was trying to come up with a basic stroy line that could kinda be more explainable then a ufo crash! Its hard to write for me because I guess i think about to many things at once. All the stuff in my head doesnmt seem to make it to paper. Its seems that what I as writeing is lay out the idea and have someone elaborate on it like you have done. I do have a very creative mind its just makeing it sound good is my problem.
.:: Definative ::.
I guess I need to post a correction about the rewrite. Del Snd of Thndr is the one that did the rewrite I want to make sure the credit goes to the right person. Sorry about that Del. Thanks Again. Also thank you Eric Trickster for the contructive Critisism. All critisism good or bad is always welcome.
.:: Definative ::.
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