
Game Design Workshop: 52(54) component pieces

Started by December 16, 2003 07:34 PM
12 comments, last by superpig 21 years ago
If you would be so kind as to step this way, sir/madam, I would like your assistance in an experiment. You will need: A pack of cards (with or without jokers, your choice) What I would like you to try to do is to design a game, for as many players as you choose (including 1), which is played using the pack of cards, and nothing else if possible - if you *must* use extra equipment then do so, but remember, the more demanding your requirements, the smaller your audience Try (a) being original (poker where the card values are in reverse order doesn''t count for much) and (b) using the cards *as* cards, that is, making use of the suits/number values (otherwise they could just be 52/54 little pieces of blank paper). I''d also recommend you stay away from ''external rewards'' (like playing for money) - you can play poker without betting, by just counting the number of tricks you''ve won, so the same would go for most games methinks. I''ve got large amounts of sitting still in a plane tomorrow, so I''ll be trying this then as well. So don''t think I''m just trying to offload some work on you. I''ll be interested to see what people come up with. An excersise in pure gameplay with no graphics, storyline (ok, so *someone* will create a card game with a storyline, let it not be you ), sound, or ''packaging'' that today''s game designs seem to rely on so much. Can you create tension between the players? Can you keep it interesting? Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates, and when he''s not doing that, runs The Binary Refinery.
Enginuity1 | Enginuity2 | Enginuity3 | Enginuity4 | Enginuity5 ry. .ibu cy. .y''ybu. .abu ry. dy. "sy. .ubu py. .ebu ry. py. .ibu gy." fy. .ibu ny. .ebu "Don''t document your code; code your documentation." -me
"I''m not a complete idiot; parts of me are missing." -}}i{{

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

Okay let me try.

Basic rules
up to 6 players allowed
Players start with a 0 score.
Lowest score posible is -1 and highest is 2. If a player excedes the 2 points he or she won the game, if someone has lower than -1
he or she is out of the next round, and enters back having 0 points.
It's played without jokers

1.First, cards are shuffled..
2.Then, each player gets 2 cards that are showed to everyone and then are flipped so you can't see them anymore.
3.The cards that can't posibly a player get are taken out of the deck and put on the middle of the players, showing their value. Those cards are the lowest Xth cards where X = 52 - NumberOfPlayers x 8.
4.Each player gets one card that can't be seen by others and should be well hidden. This will be refered as the 'hidden card'
5.Players can exchange the first two cards with the players that are next to them, but can't exchange the one they can't show. If they exchange them, they have to show the cards. Two cards can not be traded for one card, players can exchange as many times they want.
6.The players can get another card if they want, or they can get two but they won't be able to exchange the next 2 times.
7.Players can exchange cards now. They can exchange one if they asked for a card, and two if they asked for none. They still have to show the cards they trade, can't trade two cards for one and this time they can only trade once.
8.Players can keep getting one or two cards like in 4, but only until one or more of the players has 7 cards in the hand. After the chance of getting new cards they can exchange, however if no one decides to get a card, everybody gets a card and there is no exchange.
9.When one or more players has 7 cards in the hand, they do the final exchange. In this one, they can trade two cards for one if both sides agree, but they still can only trade once.

Getting(or lossing) points
At any time before one or more players has 7 cards in the hand, any player can guess the hidden card of another player. If the guessing is right, that player gets +2 poins and everything should start from 1, unless the player that got his hidden cards guessed first guesses the one of the other player that guessed his. If so, the second guesser gets +3 points, and the first one doesn't gets his +2 points. If the first guesser does it wrong, he is out of that round, and his cards and hidden card can't be traded or anything.
If only one player is left in the round because the others are out because of wrong guesses, other players get -1. Players with a -1 score can't guess.

If a player guesses right someone else's hidden card when one or more players have 7 cards in the hand, that player gets +1 point and the owner of the hidden card gets -1 points. If after that someone guesses the hidden card of the one that guessed first, the first right guess is countered, meaning that no one got the +1 point or -1 point. If a player guesses wrong, he gets -1 point. A player can only try to guess once. Players with a -1 score can't guess.

If no player tries to guess after one or more players have one card, they show their hands and the hidden card. They should make pairs as they wish with all those cards they have. Each pair have their own value:
-Each club or hearth gives 1 point to the pair.
-Having both spades and diamonds gives 3 points to the pair.
-Having two 2's or 5's in one pair gives the pair 2 points.
-Having two K's in one pair gives the pair 1 point.
-Having a K and a Q in one pair gives 4 points.
-Having a K and a J in one pair gives 3 points.
-Having a Q and a J in one pair gives 2 points.
-Having a pair with K and Q, another with K and J and Q and J gives 5 points to the total.
-Having two pairs of the same value gives 6 points to the total.
-Having two pairs of the same value and another two pairs of the same value makes you the winner, unless it's a tie.
-Having an A in a pair gives it -1.
-Having more than one A couting all pairs give you -5 to the total pair value for each A.

If the player number of cards is odd, since there will be a card that won't be included inside a pair, if that card is a K, Q or J, it has a value of 1. If it's any other card it has a value of 3.

All the pair values are added up, and the one with more points gets +1 points added to the score. If two or more players are tied they all get +1. The player with the lowest total pair value gets a -1 point added to the score. All players that have a negative total get another -1, so if the one with the lowest pair also has a negative total pair value then he gets a -2 points added to the score instead.

[edited by - Coz on December 17, 2003 10:46:39 PM]
Probably lots of room for improvement...

Links (no jokers )

Basic Concepts
- Maximum number of cards a player may have is 3.
- Play is comprised of two teams: the offense, and defense.
- The defensive team is currently playing the cards in the chain.
- The offensive team is trying to gain control of the chain.
- A chain is just a sequence of cards in order of face value (Ace = 11).
- A complete "chain" contains the card sequence ordered by face
value from 1 to King.
- A partial "chain" is any chain that doesn''t begin with a 1 card.
- "Breaking" a chain switches control of the current chain between
teams. Only the offensive team may break a chain by playing the
next card in chain.
- The offense can break a complete or partial chain by playing an
an Ace. The Ace will then be played as a 1 card.
- Points awarded are determined by the number of cards in the chain.
- A partial chain is worth at least 10 points.
- A complete chain is worth extra, 15 points.
- Once a chain has been completed, the cards are removed from play.

- To earn the most points for your team before the deck of cards
runs out.

Flow of Play
- Each player initally draws a hand from the deck.
- The defensive team begins a sequence by placing a card on the play field. Then their partner
continues the chain placing a higher face card on the last card played. Team mates alternate
playing cards until they complete a chain, or their chain is broken by the offensive team.
- If a defensive player cannot play a card of a higher face,
they may return one card in their hand to the deck, shuffle,
and draw another. This counts as a turn.
- If a defensive player runs out of cards they may draw a hand,
this counts as a turn.
- As the defensive team is playing cards, the offensive team tries to gain control of the chain
by breaking the defense''s control of it. The offensive team always has the advantage to break
a chain before the next player on the defense plays their card.
- If a offensive player runs out of cards they may draw a card,
for each turn a defensive player plays. This can only be done
3 times.
- If the defense completes a chain the defense may break it by playing an ace, continuing the
chain in their control, and carrying over the points of the last chain.
- Whenever the chain is broken the teams switch roles, and the game continues.
- The team in control of the chain when it is completed earns the points for their team, and a
new chain is begun.
- The game continues until the deck has been exhausted.
OK so I have like this TOTALLY 1337 idea!!!111oneone.
Use the deck without jokers.
Aces are high.
Split the deck in half.
Flip the top card from each stack.
Whichever stack produces the higher card gets both cards put in its stack.
If there is a tie in rank, you hold a tiebreaker round (same method as above). Winner gets all cards in play.

The object is for one side to get all of the cards in one stack.

Variation: lowest card beats the highest card. (i.e. Ace beats all except for the lowly 2)

Here is the Best Part!! you can call the game......."WAR"

Is that like so leet or what?
[s]I am a signature virus. Please add me to your signature so that I may multiply.[/s]I am a signature anti-virus. Please use me to remove your signature virus.
Thermodynamics, so is that a 2-player game, or a 1-player game? Plus, isn''t the outcome going to be purely dependent on luck? I think you''ll have to tell us more...

I''ve got something of an idea, though I''ve not tested it out yet (which I''d recommend you do, with a group of friends or something - find out if it really works, if it''s too complex, or whatever). I can talk about what I''ve got so far, though.


Players: 3+ (though technically it could be done with 2)
Aim: to have the most points when the game is over.
Cards: 1 deck, no jokers, shuffled.

Each player starts with around 5 cards. One further card is placed face-up in the center of the table, and the rest of the deck is face-down to one side. Dealer begins.

On your turn you can either
a) ''play a run'' - put down a sequence of cards which are numberically consecutive and of either increasing or decreasing direction. The run technically ''begins'' with the card which is already on the table, so if the card there is a 3, you can can 2-ace-king-queen-etc, or 4-5-6-7-etc. When you play a run, you score (5-s)*(n)! points, where s is the number of suits in the run (so a run of a single suit is worth 4 times as much as a run using all four suits), and n is the number of cards in the run. So, playing a run of a single card will net you 4 points - (5-1)*(1!) = 4 - while a run of 3 cards using two suits is (5-2)*(3!) = 3 * 6 = 18 points.

b) ''pass off'' - this is taking one of your cards and giving it to the player to one side of you. They must then take one of their cards and pass it off in the same direction, until it gets back to you (so you all ''rotate'' one card). They pick their card after being given yours, so you could possibly end up with the card you tried to pass off coming back. When you begin a pass off, then once it''s finished you have to draw another card from the deck (i.e. a penalty card for passing off).

If you manage to play all your cards away, then all the other players have to give you one of their cards and then draw a card from the deck. If the deck is exhausted and everyone runs out of cards, the game is over.


Anyway, that''s what I''ve got so far. I''ll be trying it out sometime over the next couple of days (when not skiing, of course ) to try balancing it and stuff.

Richard "Superpig" Fine
- saving pigs from untimely fates, and when he''s not doing that, runs The Binary Refinery.
Enginuity1 | Enginuity2 | Enginuity3 | Enginuity4 | Enginuity5
ry. .ibu cy. .y''ybu. .abu ry. dy. "sy. .ubu py. .ebu ry. py. .ibu gy." fy. .ibu ny. .ebu
"Don''t document your code; code your documentation." -me
"I''m not a complete idiot; parts of me are missing." -}}i{{

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

If you have you ever seen "The Professional", at the end of the movie there is a song. Anyhow some of the lyrics are as follows:

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that''s not the shape of my heart

I always thought that it could make a pretty good game/set of games. A strategy game with a regular deck of cards.

-potential energy is easily made kinetic-

Not that it isn''t appropriate here as well, but you might find a pretty appreciative audience for this over at the Board Game Developers Forum:

- E
[font "arial"] Everything you can real.
quote: Original post by superpig
Thermodynamics, so is that a 2-player game, or a 1-player game? Plus, isn't the outcome going to be purely dependent on luck? I think you'll have to tell us more...

I think he's referring to the classic War card game. Played it as a kid on long road trips - not too bad actually.
War Rules
Edit: BTW, check out the rest of that site. Looks like a nice reference for card game rules.
- WarbleWare

[edited by - reana1 on December 18, 2003 1:56:03 PM]
Tadd- WarbleWare
quote: Original post by reana1
I think he''s referring to the classic War card game. Played it as a kid on long road trips - not too bad actually.

Oh - the point of this thread is to come up with your own games, not just to post existing ones. Admittedly it''s perfectly possible that you''ll come up with an existing design without knowing, but still, you should be trying to be original.

EricTrickster, that''s cool but I believe the skillsets between computer game development and board game development are similar (well, that''s what this is investigating). It''s about thinking outside the box - and the best way to do that is to think inside somebody else''s.

Richard "Superpig" Fine
- saving pigs from untimely fates, and when he''s not doing that, runs The Binary Refinery.
Enginuity1 | Enginuity2 | Enginuity3 | Enginuity4 | Enginuity5
ry. .ibu cy. .y''ybu. .abu ry. dy. "sy. .ubu py. .ebu ry. py. .ibu gy." fy. .ibu ny. .ebu
"Don''t document your code; code your documentation." -me
"I''m not a complete idiot; parts of me are missing." -}}i{{

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

In Sweden, the "WAR" game is called "Svälta räv".

My game: Swift blocks
DISCLAIMER: If any of the above statements are incorrect, feel free to deliver me a good hard slap!My games: DracMan | Swift blocks

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