
Looking for a graphic artist

Started by December 10, 2003 10:02 AM
-1 comments, last by kornalius 21 years, 1 month ago
I am a programmer with a completed game engine that is ready to become a full-fledge game. The story is being written, the maps are on their way too. I am looking for a graphic artist that can help me making this game. I have plans to sell the game in the future. The engine is a turn-based top-down view (2D) reminiscent of the early Ultima series. It runs on Windows 95+ in a desktop window. It''s a very nice engine with some unique features like: - Card and mana system like Magic The Gathering. - Turn-Based combat and movement like Age of Wonders. - View like the early Ultimas (I to V). - Fog-of-war. - Day and night cycle. - Dynamic lighting. Like I said the engine is done and complete, it works like a charm. It is no vaporware. I really want this game to be old-fashion (less flashy but with a lot of content (story) and good gameplay). I want to relive the Ultima-style games with a nice modern touch. Please contact me at: adeschenes @

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