
Async Sockets Question

Started by December 10, 2003 12:01 AM
6 comments, last by ChaosPhoenix 21 years, 2 months ago
I''ve got a console application that uses Asynchronous sockets so that the game action isn''t frozen while it waits for a connection the only problem is it doesn''t seem to be recieving any of the Windows Msgs like FD_ACCEPT, FD_READ, FD_CONNECT, or FD_WRITE. Everything seems to be set up but I noticed that I''ve been using the winsock.h library instead of the winsock2.h. Is winsock2.h required for those windows messages to be recieved or for Async sockets to work at all? I tried changing it over but got TONS of compile errors from the winsock2.h file, so I assume I must be missing either a libary or another header file that winsock2.h requires as right now I''m just including winsock.h and WS2_32.lib. Cliff Notes: 1. is winsock2.h required for Async sockets? 2. What header files and libraries are required for winsock2?
1. Winsock 2 is not required for WSAAsyncSelect() to work. Winsock 1.1 should work fine.

2. To use Winsock 2 you need the winsock2.h header and the WS2_32.lib library (at least on MSVC, might be different if using a different compiler).


If you''re using a console application, how are you generating the window handle needed for WSAAsyncSelect()?

Well here is my message processing function, if anyone can see if they spy anything wrong with this I would appreciate it. If not I''ll look else where in my program for the problem.

void CNetwork::NetMessageHandler(){	LPARAM lParam = NULL;	int nret;	switch(WSAGETSELECTEVENT(lParam))	{	case FD_CONNECT:		con << "FD_CONNECT called!\n";				break;	case FD_READ:		ServerRecvData();		con << "Message recieved!\n";		Display();		con << "Sending back...\n";		break;	case FD_ACCEPT:		Client = accept(listening, NULL, NULL);		WSAAsyncSelect(Client, hWnd, WM_WSAASYNC, FD_WRITE | FD_READ | FD_CLOSE);		if (Client == INVALID_SOCKET)		{			nret = WSAGetLastError();			con << Red << "Invalid Socket(Client)! Error Code : " << nret << "!\n" << Def;			WSACleanup();					}		con << Green << "Connected!\n" << Def;		break;	case FD_WRITE:				break;	case FD_CLOSE:		ClientClose();		ServerClose();		break;	}} 

The first thing you do is set lParam to 0 and then you switch on lParam. This doesn''t seem kosher.
WSAGETSELECTEVENT should fill in lParam with the appropriate flag for me if I read it''s decleration correctly.
You didn''t. WSAGETSELECTEVENT() is just a macro the separates out the LOWORD of lParam. The LOWORD of 0 is 0.
ah, so what is used to populate the LPARAM?
The windows message. When you call WSAAsyncSelect() you specify a window handle and a message identifier. When the an event is signaled a windows message gets sent to the window, and the message contains the WPARAM and LPARAM designating the socket, the event signalled and any error flags.

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