
the Matrix GBA Project

Started by November 03, 2003 06:25 AM
19 comments, last by casey blitx 21 years, 1 month ago I am in the need of members to join my development team: the Matrix GBA Project. It will be a Matrix Gameboy Advance ROM with Role-Playing Elements. If interested in contributing to the project visit the page and email me at
Maybe you shouldseek legal help first
there should be no legal issues of the project; it would be made by fans of the matrix that hoped there would be a decent Matrix game released (because Enter the Matrix just didnt cut it). You have to remember; the fans made the matrix the sucess that it has become today. Without the fans the matrix sequels would have never existed. I think the fans should be able to express their love by making tribute by means of a freeware non-profit game. Think: How many PacMan and Mario ripoffs/clones/etc have you seen in your life and who made a fuss about it? If the movie company had a problem with the idea we could always change 1) the name 2) the chartecter names and locations 3) charecter graphics etc and still have a game that remind the players of the matrix when they play it
If you''re going to make a Matrix game, why make it for GBA? If you want to make it for a portable system, Sony will be coming out with their PPS (Portable PlayStation, at least I think that''s the name) sometime next year, by which time you may have the game ready. Or you could try to make it for X-Box, GameCube, and PS2. I don''t think you could do The Matrix justice on a GBA.
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
so you want to make a matrix game...

I (naturally ) have thought about such a game. although I have no intrest in joining your team, that is exactly what forums like this are for.

I am curious as to how much you have thought about this already, as it is a huge undertaking.

Here were just a few thoughts I had while thinking about your post.

-It should probably be a side scroller. It has been a while since I have seen a good one of those.

-DO NOT let the player be one of the more important characters(at least not at first). The movies only focus on one crew on one ship. There IS a whole other world out there, ya know.
Different characters could have different skillz, where the opportunity to play as NEO or others come as players prove they are worthy enough to appreciate them.

-Lots of Kung Fu. Guns, guns, guns are all anyone ever puts into games like this. Thats because doing hand to hand combat is hard to program...But, in truth, how many people remember the matrix for just the guns? Do some sort of arcade method, where the player can use guns, but can do alot more with there fists.

-CARNAGE. Let the player be as destructive as he wants. Let him pound through walls. Let him break signposts and traffic lights. Let him pick up people and throw them. Combo attacks. Whatever he wants. the more the better, as this will add technique to the game. For an example, play HAGANE for SNES

-Consequences. If the player does choose to throw people around, the police come running, and then come agents. Stealth should come into play.

-Don''t go by the book. Or movie, as the case may be. Put all of the more memorable scenes into a game, but when it comes to movie tie-ins, NEVER throw every little thing into a game. Keep it fresh, people...

Anyways, good luck. I think you would have more success if you did go for the "psuedo-matrix" approach. This would sidestep alot of criticism...
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
RichardMV: Unfortuartely home programming is very simple even in the most complex form therefor I thought a GBA rom would be efficent (to the likes of Final Fantasy?). GBA is 1)fun 2)simple and 3) easily distributed amongst different operating systems and languages

Chokki: Thanx for your input. Good Ideas

To All: Elsewhere in the forums there is topics replied to my meassage on legal issues:
What do you think of this?
quote: Original post by casey blitx
RichardMV: Unfortuartely home programming is very simple even in the most complex form therefore I thought a GBA rom would be efficent (to the likes of Final Fantasy?). GBA is 1)fun 2)simple and 3) easily distributed amongst different operating systems and languages

If you insist, I just think the majority of the Matrix fan base would like to see a First Person Shooter or third person fighting game, but it''s up to you. I don''t think that the GBA is capable of doing real justice to the amazing graphics seen in the movies, not even close. If you want to use karate type moves along with guns as Chokki suggested, look at the PS2 game Oni, a bargin bin great, IMHO. In it you are given guns, but you are limited, usually, to VERY LITTLE ammo, usually enough to dispatch one or two enemies. You can carry one weapon at a time, and you can be disarmed. This system made guns usefull, but only when you strategize where to use them and where to go for hand to hand combat. I don''t like the side scroller idea. Side scrolling games limit the player, and The Matrix is about a nearly limitless world. Sure side scrolling works great with Mario and Metroid, but I just can''t see the Matrix in a 2D world.

____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
True but unfortuately as independent home developers, we will never be able to create the mega incredible game of our dreams. Game Corporations have hundreds of people working on a given project with the upmost financial support for months up to a couple of years (an advantage for the major corporations indeed).
Ofcourse I or any other home developer will ever be able to create a Matrix game in the form and complexity that they would wish to (ie we will never be able to create a game that would ever compare to games on the market graphics-wise). But I am motivated to create what I can: an enjoyable game with a good theme, story, scenario, etc and I would like others that wish for the same help me in this project as a group effort. I am working on conceptial art that I will be posting to the homesite very soonly and am interested and open to other individuals thoughts and concepts as well
The whole idea sounds immature and impossible to realise. You should not ignore the pleas to look into the legal side first.

Your argument seems to be that if you call yourself a fan, you can just rip off ideas from something you like without paying. And yes even recently there have been issues with companies releasing their own versions of ''classic'' games, where others held the rights. I don''t think the holders of the Matrix trademark will be impressed with the reasoning that because you think their game enter the matrix sucked entitles you to create a competing game without paying the license fees.
Especially if it''s for the GBA. I''m not entirely sure of the nuts and bolts of publishing, but I can''t imagine that it''s easy to get a machine that makes those little cartridges. You''d have to be published by somebody who knows a ripoff when they see one, and there would have to be some kind of monetary exchange. If you insist on doing this, make it freeware. If it''s awesome and everyone loves it, change the name and graphics and try to get it made for the GBA.

You describe it as "a Matrix Gameboy Advance ROM with Role-Playing Elements." Are you talking Final Fantasy Role-Playing, or Deus Ex Role-Playing? I think that you''d be best able to design and create a straight-up RPG on the GBA. The sophisticated fighting seen in the movies is simply inconceivable within the bounds of a non-fighting video game, much less a 2D game. Something turn-based, like Xenogears, with a RPS element to the fighting and moves and combos of different intensity to learn and employ would be optimal.

You could avoid some of the direct legal issues by setting it in one of the previous 6 Matrices. Let your guy be the "One" immediately before Neo, and at the end have him set in motion the little glitches that make Neo unique. You get to make up names and plot lines, and all you have to justify is the world and the backstory. If Aliens: Attack on Colony hasn''t been boned by Fox yet, you should be okay.

What you are trying to do is not impossible, but the road will not be easy. If you have the means and know-how to surmount the obstacles before this project, you should direct those considerable capabilities toward a less risky project. Anyone that can honestly expect to make a good, free, Matrix-based game on the GBA would be a juggernaut in a legitimate endeavor. Just a thought.

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