Original post by Warsong
Games now serve no purpose to many since they don''t accomplish much since some are not meaningful. If kids in the future become more educated and civilized will they think that games now are a joke and silly?
If you tell an educated kid in the future to play GTA3 and to kill someone in the game wouldn''t they find it disturbing and meaningless to drop it?
Even the kids at the EGM article that played pong found it better to go outside than to stay in and play the games which many did stay in 20 years ago. I met other kids that like their educational games better than the meaningless violent games. The young kids that only play the learning games do better in school it seems, than young kids that play meaningless games.
If their was a law that outlawed meaningless games would most game designers leave the industry since meaningless games are their source of income? If everyone did something meaningful then game companies would hire teachers to work with designers to make games I think but until then, o well.
well this actually happen sice human born an strike randomly people after a will, it''s called *caugh* *caugh* being adult *caugh* *caugh* and its happen around every early 20-30 years of a life... and this lead to intolerant and eliteness behaviour towards "meaningless" things, as we all know that life MUST be BORING and DULL
be good
be evil
but do it WELL