Well, this was brought about by the thought of armor (specifically the breast/torso area), but it works for pretty much anything, from a high-heeled shoe to a celtic 15foot (what, like 4.5 meters) broadsword.
Now, if you want to be a pain in the ass about it, most (more expensive) armor suits are probably made to fit a specific person, but in general the common understanding''s a "one size fits race" policy. There''s some problems with that, but seeing as all heroes and most warriors are quite fit i could understand they have the same basic outline. What i can''t understand is how (for example, i''m taking more known races) an Orc, a Giant, a Cyclops, a Human, and a Gremlin could all fit in the same armor? If you want another example, a Giant would play bowling with the easter island status (or use StoneHenge as a hoola-hoop) while a gremlin would use them as landmarks to be sure he can remember the way home. (gremlin''s not a very good example race, i just couldn''t remember any other smaller ones)
There''s several examples i''ve seen, but i don''t like any of them. One is the morrowind way, just make everyone the same size. I mean, sure, it''s their universe, but seems like someone just wanted to make creating those models easy (give a human a pointy ear and there you go, dark, wood, and high elf). Okay, that was unnecessary, I''ve got some hatred left cuz it keeps crashing whenever i get to the good parts (where you max out and can play the story at a decent speed... well, should be able to if it wouldn''t crash). Anyway, they don''t account for any size issues (orc is bigger built, skinny elves, fat heroes, big boobies, ...). That''s fine, after all it''s a solution. I just don''t like it much...
Another solution is to have race specific items. You know the drill, this will only fit humans, that will only fit cat-people (need a tail hole
), ... Basically each race has their own sets of items. Well that''s not a very good solution either. You find a terrific item, and behold! You can''t wear it. That''s like placing a big mac menu right behind the bulletproof window, and locking the door... *drool*
I''m not too smart myself (heh, i try...), so my solution''s not that good either, but i did think of something (that''s right, not just a rant).
What if items could be... "modified"? You know, bring a giant''s armor to the armorer''s shop, he''ll use his tools and tada, a perfect fit for your little human man.
You could expand on this idea, such as adding in materials. A giant''s armor downsized to a human''s should fess up some extra resources (iron, glass, diamond, whatever the armor''s made of) without losing its characteristics (+ 10 life, ...). Likewise, finding a human''s armor and resizing it for a giant would require some extra materials.
Further expansion on this idea is also possible... You could add a skill and allow the player to this himself (with a poor skill level having pretty disastrous results). For example, you could add it into the "Armorer" skill, or you could split them up into "Armor Repairer" and "Armor Modifier", whatever.
So, whaddya think? Be gentle, it''s my first post
I think it''s got a good chance of adding some more reality (different sized armor''s; no "one size fits all") as well as diversity (differently sized characters, armor, ...), not to mention add some more fun and immersion.