
Great forum.....

Started by July 06, 2000 07:16 AM
15 comments, last by DaBit 24 years, 2 months ago
Wow, what a great forum is this. - People flaming each other on a VB<->everything else war - UT vs. Q3 polls - Describe the typical programmer (although that one was actually funny...) - Windows people suck. Linux people rule. And someone asking a *game development* question (How do I do OpenGL in a fullscreen window of my own chosen size) doesn''t get answered. Our moderator Godfree^, who spends time and effort in providing you a decent forum and a decent webpage (???), needed to intervene a few times already. And that in such a low-volume forum. Shame! Are we all below the age of 12 or so? (I''m not) This is a forum hosted by, spell the letters, Every Windows user could guess that this has something to do with GAME DEVELOPMENT. But maybe the average Linux user is too busy looking at his ''find /. -print'' output..... Look at the theory and OpenGL/D3D forums. Also crap in there, but at least most of the messages there cover a part of the big game development related picture. Maybe we should take that as an example, so that this forum transforms into a place where people can expect decent answers to decent questions. Now, I expect to get flamed by the people with less than two braincells. If you have more than two braincells, then you must be able to say ''fuck off you, DaBit'' politely.
I agree with you, DaBit.

I''m also tired of those who answer you without knowing anything about what you are talking about.

And I *hate* those who don''t answer, just tell you "don´t do it this way". For example, you want to use fixed point, and ask a very specific question about it, and there is always someone that tells you "you are just crap, use floating point". For goodness shake! I have just asked a question, I don''t want anyone to tell me the way to go! I want to use fixed point, and i have good reasons, and i am not asking if it''s good or bad to use floating point, i am asking about a fast implementation, so if you do not know anything about it, just SHUT UP!!!

This is just an example, but it happens a lot. It just make me sick.

Just an opinion...
I''m guilty of that (being unhelpful) as much as anyone, I suppose. I have nothing to say in my defense except possibly "flibble", but I don''t think that helps much. | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux


You are right, but those questions and answers has to do with what the forum is about. That the answer given is not valid for you, that's a pity. But usually there is a helpful answer amongst the unhelpful ones. Besides, I got quite a few good ideas from people answering 'why don't you do YYY' when I asked a specific question about XXX. See one of my earlier posts on this forum (about input under Linux)

The problem of more and more 'crappy' answers comes from more and more people accessing the forums. And I consider that as good.

Benjamin bunny,

I have nothing against people that are unable to help because they do not have the knowledge to do so. Everybody started that way, and I am not a walking library either. I also do not have anything against people who do know, but don't have the time to answer. I was talking about people who make a game development forum look like a general forum where you can ramble about anything you please, and where you can start a nice flame war. But a Linux game development forum should look like a Linux game development forum. And if you ask a Linux game programming or related question, I would be glad to give you an decent answer. But I will NOT start to flame you for asking a question. Not even when it is dumb. Hell, not even when you ask for Direct3D under Linux

Btw, looks nice, those screenshots on your page


Edited by - DaBit on July 6, 2000 10:55:27 AM
There''s a few problems at the server end, so the website has been delayed... however, if you do a whois on, you''ll see that I have paid good money for the domain, and I do plan to use it (or sell it the highest payer bidder *grin*).

quote: Original post by DaBit
Our moderator Godfree^, who spends time and effort in providing you a decent forum and a decent webpage (???), needed to intervene a few times already. And that in such a low-volume forum. Shame! Are we all below the age of 12 or so? (I''m not)

About your other points, I don''t really have a problem with off-topic threads here, AS LONG AS THEY AREN''T OFFENSIVE.

So a Q3 vs. UT thread is fine (and Linux game related). And a VB on Wine thread is kewl, as that is definitely Linux related, and game dev related (nes8bit has written a funky 3D engine in VB).

Just behave yourself ppl, and don''t put others down.

Mark Collins (aka Nurgle)

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

One more thing, if you think this forum is bad, you should subscribe to the Linux Game Development Center mailing list.

The main topic of conversation is "how to make the website better" and "Why on GameDev.Net sucks".

Mark Collins (aka Nurgle)

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

quote: Original post by DaBit

Benjamin bunny,

I have nothing against people that are unable to help because they do not have the knowledge to do so. Everybody started that way, and I am not a walking library either. I also do not have anything against people who do know, but don''t have the time to answer. I was talking about people who make a game development forum look like a general forum where you can ramble about anything you please, and where you can start a nice flame war. But a Linux game development forum should look like a Linux game development forum. And if you ask a Linux game programming or related question, I would be glad to give you an decent answer. But I will NOT start to flame you for asking a question. Not even when it is dumb. Hell, not even when you ask for Direct3D under Linux

Btw, looks nice, those screenshots on your page


Edited by - DaBit on July 6, 2000 10:55:27 AM

Well, thanks for the compliment about my page.

I have to say, I like being able to offer constructive critisism occasionally, even if it isn''t always useful - although if I can help more directly, I will. | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux

The anonymous poster was me. Sorry.

Well, DaBit, i think you are basically rigth. I apoligize if someone felt ofended, i don´t intend to. I just want to make my point clear: i think that ''why don´t you do YYY'' is a great thing, but most of the time you''re getting answers like ''don''t do XXX'' wihtout any reasons, or even worse. Yes, there are also unhelpful reponses, but they do in a respectful way, trying to help to their knowledge, and without any judgement; these are "good" posts, that make a message board worht(???) it. But, altough this has not happened to me, some people might have been desesperate about the way people here thinks about their work.

Hey, I just claim a little respect for everyone!

Benjamin, if that helps, i was not talking about people like you, so don´t make a point of it. (is that the expression? sorry, my english is a bit outdated)

BTW, i was not aware that this was the Linux forum.
I didn''t get into why linux is better (opinion?...hmm), I was just trying to explain simple installations to help nes8bit who was obviously bullshitting the entire time (how to get linux? oh, I can''t do that -- I don''t know how to read an iso.Thats how you read an iso? I can''t do that...).I''ll refrain from installation/migration help in the future, thats about as on topic as ''how to install win98'' in the directx forum.
Sorry for degrading the content of this forum.
quote: Original post by Bulbasaur

I didn''t get into why linux is better (opinion?...hmm), I was just trying to explain simple installations to help nes8bit who was obviously bullshitting the entire time (how to get linux? oh, I can''t do that -- I don''t know how to read an iso.Thats how you read an iso? I can''t do that...).I''ll refrain from installation/migration help in the future, thats about as on topic as ''how to install win98'' in the directx forum.
  Sorry for degrading the content of this forum.

Hey! I was actually gonna get linux! Reason: I fear being tared and feathered in the future because I''m not using Linux and when Windows turns to the equiv of DOS today. (ahem..worthless) I''m pretty damn serious. It''s just not mature enough. I''ll hold off for a year.

And about degrading content on this forum. ...ask Godfree^.

Captured Reality

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