
manga isnt that tough...

Started by July 06, 2000 03:55 AM
1 comment, last by Fantasy Edge 24 years, 2 months ago
hi, i came upon this posting a little late im assuming but to tell you the truth. as much as someone would like to tell you how to draw manga or anime or what ever, unless you try it yourself lots, well non of its gonna help. I for one am an artist and i didnt get there because of some gift. i liked anime so now ill pass of some knowllege to you. go to this site to reveiw some manga style anime. it is all orrigional and im sorry that is hasnt been updated in some time.
Tell my hand that... I can visualize but when I put to paper, it's completely wrong! I need to practice some more...

Anyway, had a quick look at the site... It definitely does not suck, but in my opinion, does not rock either. Of course, this is based on viewing one image. Why?

Well, whoever created the site (was it you?) needs to learn to create REAL thumbnails rather than just resize the whole big image using width and height. I'm on a modem connection. Spare me the pain.

Edited by - Jeranon on July 6, 2000 8:03:40 AM
JeranonGame maker wannabe.
same here.

Edge- need to work on your site design man... takes a while to load pictures. SOME of your 2d pencil drawings are great.. very nice. You need to practice more with paints and stay aways form markers.. if you are going to hand color your pictures.. uses waterproof ink and watercolors.. it''s what they usin in comic books.. and it looks nice. IF you paint in photoshop, don''t forget u can turn the layer to "multiple" and the line art will show through the paint. Nice pencil art though.. one day I will learn magna.. and you all will be sorry!! lol,

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