I wouldn''t call it so much an advancement as degradation.
Assuming you were around in, at least, the SNES era (extra bonus points if you were around for the NES, and even more for Coleco Vision or C-64. ^-^), there has to be at least one game you loved and played religiously. Heck, a game you''d play all weekend long after finishing your homework and first thing after getting back from school.
Flash to about ten years in the future. Let''s suppose that one special game just came out. No different than back then, just 2D, 256 colors (or less!) and no voice acting. I''ll pick a random tried-and-true game, Mario Kart. Suppose it came out on one of the next-gen consoles. Some people will look beyond the shabby, low-quality media the game conveys (in relation to the average game nowadays, of course) and enjoy it. But can you honestly see a future for it? No, it''s just not something that''s part of our era anymore.
It''ll never be again, in fact. Unless an EMP shockwave reduces us to living in caves and hunting with twigs. But realistically, there''s no going back, only forward.
And it''ll end eventually. When we''ll have perfectly realistic games that match reality 100%, coming up with better media will be pretty much impossible. Should''ve listened to my parents when I was young. They always told me to put down that controller and go play sports and stuff. Who''d have thought life would one day become a console? :D
So yeah, that''s a sizeable "improvement": it looks better. But we''ve excommunated a very wide range of games. It wouldn''t surprise me if controllers vanished entirely one day. And then there''ll be no going back: controllers will be considered junky, hard to handle and unrealistic. Foolish assumptions with no grounds in reality? Ahh, but isn''t that what people think when they see games on the older consoles now? Yet we were content "back then"...
I''d love to know how walking deeper and deeper in the woods and not being able to turn around, then eventually bumping into the rocky side of a mountain can be considered good. Sure would make a nice camping spot, you''d be protected from the wind and all. But there goes your freedom...