
OpenGL is so hard....

Started by September 14, 2003 09:22 PM
14 comments, last by maxd gaming 21 years, 5 months ago
I''ve been trying for almost a month and I cant get lesson 1 to work, maybe someone could tutor me??? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?
What you mostly see in lession 1 is NOT open gl. Its setting up a window and a loop to run opengl

What cant you get to work? Does it work if you just run the program.

You may wana look at the next few tutorials to see the acutal opengl
Ok first of all make sure you are checking all the errors like in the tutorial you can usually determine what's wrong by looking at the errors. Second and most important what do you mean by it doesn't work? Are you having problems linking or something like that?

[edited by - FtMonkey on September 15, 2003 1:40:33 AM]
The monkeys are listening...
Well, I can compile now, linker error my bad.....but still, I can only do it by copying the source (wether ctrl+c or retyping) I can''t do it from memory. I can include, I can almost get to WinProc before I''m so confused and lost....
The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?
I can''t do it from memory.

You don''t need to do all that stuff by memory. So long as a)know what it does, and b)know where to find it if you have to use it again, you will be just fine. As skow said, most of lesson 1 is not OpenGL. You''ll only very rarely need to deal with the code in lesson 1 once you have it finished the first time, so memorizing it is a waste of time and effort.
_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
Just know what everything does. Later on, you can make your own classes to do everything.

Scott Simontis
Scott SimontisMy political blog
Yeah, just know what it does, you don''t have to memorize it. If you''ve got it up and working, and understand what''s going on, that''s good enough to move on. I''m sure most of the people couldn''t write their basecode over from memory if they tried.

their basecode over from memory if they tried

I know i sure as hell couldn't.

When i first was learning i skimed thought the initalize code. Learned opengl then worked on making my own base code. Now when I need to make a open gl program i just copy and paste my base code.

EDIT: And im willing to bet your link error is from not incuding the GL libraries.

[edited by - skow on September 15, 2003 7:40:51 PM]
Well you don't need to learn all the code from lesson 1 as mentioned before...stupidly as noob I memorized all the stuff (I can type all the initialization code by memory..sigh) but I guess it worked out anyway but I don't usually write all the initialization code I have a class to create the windowes. Just stick your initialization code in a header file for now I don't forget to link the files (you can find out how to do it somewhere in the first part of lesson 1).

[edited by - FtMonkey on September 16, 2003 8:49:53 AM]
The monkeys are listening...
If you have problems with the Win32API (responsible for setting up Windows windows ) you should check out a good WinAPI tutorial. That''s how I did it. NeHe is good for beginning OpenGL programming but there are tutorials out there that give you the basic concept of the WinAPI.
Here''s a link:

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