
Little, non-gameplay things that annoy you..

Started by September 09, 2003 04:10 AM
24 comments, last by Ysaneya 21 years, 4 months ago
That fkin Red Alert 2 intro ive seen about 20-30 times now
Come on, please be more specific Just saying "complex UIs" is not enough And name games when possible..

Another thing i really hate is the flow of intro screens, loading screen, logo, presentation, video, trademark, and all that stuff BEFORE even getting to the actual main menu. And each time you need to press the ESC key (when you can!) to skip it. Racing games are particularly nasty in that way.

Sierra Utilities
The one and only reason i hate sierra.
Warcraft 3:
The menus scroll up and then down again for a menu transition effect. The animation is nice, but it takes FOREVER to actually get into a game because of that.

Neverwinter Nights(the newest one):
The interface blows - there are windows everywhere, and they are locked in place so you can''t move them. If you want the map, thats fine, but its going to be in the middle of the screen so you can''t navigate around with it on, etc.
"Walk not the trodden path, for it has borne it's burden." -John, Flying Monk
gah, Sierra Utilities Deinstelled/Deleted most of my games once :|
Zelda: Ocarina, the first 15-20 minutes are spent on, first, a lengthy intro sequence (which requires you to press ''A'' at intervals so you can''t even get away with just leaving it to run) then a series of automatic lengthy explanations of features of the interface ("Pay attention to what the action icon says")

OK, the second half is partly a gameplay issue, but in general, in-game tutorials/help/tips/pointers should have some option to turn them off or skip them.
I hate it when you HAVE to do a training level/session before proceeding onto the game levels (sorry, can''t remember what game did this to me).
Current pet peeves in games:

Yup the refresh thing gets me every time - sometimes I jsut watch the server I want to join flash by whilst I''m waiting :-(

The background tile colour scheme in StarCraft / Tiberium Sun.
It''s always a browny grey colours. I''d like to play a RTS with some colour :-)


Hate: The use of the in-game engine to render the menu system. That extra 10-20 seconds spent loading the engine is really frustrating. Just played the Chrome demo, and it''s one of those games that uses the game engine for the menus. Yes it looks really pretty, but it''s just wasted time.

Installs that install to publishing house/developing house sub-menus. I always shift everything to the Games menu folder, but those extra navigation depths are a pain. Also, any games that do not include an UnInstall option in BOTH the Add/Remove Progrms and the program files menu (quite rare, but it does still happen).
Always prey on the weak, the timid and the stupid. Otherwise you'll just get your butt kicked
For a tortoise, this is extremely hard to do, but when you get it right... the expression on their faces ...
- Multiplayer requires you enter opponent''s IP. Gotta have a "battlenet" or similar matchmaker server.

- Multiplayer chat text obscures the game screen. Players exploit that too.

- Waiting a long time for the next level to load with nothing to look at or do (just about any screen saver beats a plain old progress bar)

- RPGs allowing ridiculous OOC names. I don''t want to bump into Monica Lewinsky in a medieval tavern.

- Turn-based where you select a move and wait a long time for the game to animate the outcome. Risk II has a quick dice option and it''s still painfully slow. Quest64''s animations had no quick mode. Yeah the animations look cool... for a little while.

- Having to press quit a LOT when you are done with a game. Starcraft comes to mind on this one. Age of Empires too but not as bad.

-solo (my site)

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