
Fluxbox... (lets chat) (and other WMs too!)

Started by September 01, 2003 06:42 AM
20 comments, last by Feral 21 years ago
Randomly, I /do/ run a webcam on linux, and can tell you that a Logitech Quickcam Pro 3000 works.
You guys like flux? try OpenBox. It''s practically the same, but it looks slightly better in my opinion. I still can''t decide which one to use and because the ''menu files'' have the same format, I use them both depending on my mood. (I have different wallpapers, so the choice of the WM to use comes down to the choice of the wallpaper I want to see)
Back on topic: I like flux (and openbox) a lot. It''s far more productive for me than any other WM. Having 5 virtual desktops under my scroll and the magnificent right-click menu speeds up my work a lot. Plus the fact that I have a rather slow machine.
But I''m afraid the new flux version will be slower. I''ve tried some 0.9x development versions and they all sucked for me. (Yes, I know they''re not stable yet, so there''s hope)

SwSh website!

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