
Fluxbox... (lets chat) (and other WMs too!)

Started by September 01, 2003 06:42 AM
20 comments, last by Feral 21 years ago

As much a test as anything, (isp hosted img this time, heh), but when I noticed the webcam image (thats the one above teh cpu chart) was light out side I could not help but think `damn linux is cool!` .. Course I run FreeBSD not linux and Gkrellm can be ran in windows(I think) so it''s not even a *nix specific) but ... DAMN this is neat.

Since we are talking about fluxbox and I donut wanna start a new thread on the subject, but does anyone know the proper way of getting fbdesk to run? I mean I got it to run, but I have to load fluxbox first, then open a term window and type fbdesk & and then I get my pretty icons. Is there a way to make this start up soon as fluxbox starts?
Hitchhiker90"There's one bitch in the world, one bitch with many faces" -- Jay"What are you people, on dope?" -- Mr. Hand
You could try adding it to your .xinitrc file, assuming that you use startx to boot up X. Otherwise, there may be a way to run it form the ~/.fluxbox/init (or whatever it''s called) file, but I''m not positive if that''s doable.
I once tried using Flux, and I had a pretty big problem. I couldn't move the mouse too much to the right or it would be reset to the bottom left. This made it very hard for me to do anything. I now use KDE 3.1, which took an IMMENSE amount of time to compile on my LFS system, but it's not as bloated as people complain it is. I'm sticking with KDE now, if only for the 1337 Matrix screensaver ;-).

[edited by - Eli Gottlieb on September 6, 2003 9:39:30 AM]
void Signature(void* Pointer){PObject(Pointer)->ShowMessage("Why do we need so many pointers?");};
i''m using blackbox (the thing that fluxbox is based on, pretty much the same but without things that i consider pointless features, like tabs and mousewheel desktop switching amongst other things). and that''s pretty sweet, some poeple call it minimalist but it does everything i need (ie manage windows). as for file managers i just use xterm.
Fluxbox beats blackbox for me because it''s still under enthusiastic development - lots of handyness like KDE/GNOME slit compatability stuff. I believe it also handles dualhead setups considerably more elegantly than bb (at least, the latest fb dev code does it much better than the old fb code, where the old code was mostly a fork of bb). On a modern system, the bloat difference between bb and fb is neglegible, but the difference between fb and kde/gnome is still very substantial. But yes, blackbox is fine too :-)
hmm, i''ve been having trouble finding a window manager with good support for multiple displays (i have a dual head geforce 4 and a voodoo 3 in my machine). gnome/sawfish was alright, but window placement was pretty annoying where dialogs would open on a display other than the one that opened it. fluxbox didn''t seem to have any support for dual head cards (using twinview (most probably doesn''t have support for xinerama which twinview uses to tell the window manager about the separate displays)) and would just stretch things across across both displays when trying to maximise windows and also place windows on the wrong display (because it saw the two heads as one screen). now i''m using the two heads as separate displays in my X config and just have fluxbox running separately on each display, at least that way windows will appear on the right screen but i can''t drag/move windows between screens.
quote: Original post by FeralofFireTop

That is pretty nice B-)
I like how xmms can have controls setup in gkrellm as well.

Also, what webcam do you have that supports Linux? Compatible hardware is always nice to hear about.

-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel
quote: Original post by Eli Gottlieb
I''m sticking with KDE now, if only for the 1337 Matrix screensaver ;-).

You can always run xscreensaver in the background at startup in your .xinitrc script. That''s what I do.

The Artist Formerly Known as CmndrM
I don''t have a webcam.. was refering to the image in gkrellm which is one of the examples that came with GKrellKam...

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