

Started by August 26, 2003 03:40 PM
8 comments, last by maxd gaming 21 years, 5 months ago
I have a basic design drawn out now I need your help to improve it.. As of now it is going to be a Persistant Massivley Multiplayer Starcraft-like (godsimulation). You will start in noob town...when you hit x score you can pick a town to live in...this town is like your tribe, your tribe can help you....your tribe will all live in the same area so they defend each other....tribes can war against each other although the sole purpose of the game is to wipe out the other who controls all the planets is tema who rules...and wins...Im also working on an economy system... im not gunna go into detail about it yet cause well its in progress...will post more info later....(DONT SAY STUPID THINGS ABOUT THE SERVERS...I HAVE A T1 Line and 4 Servers...I know not enough bandwith yet...give me time...give me time I will have dual t3''s promise)
The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?
Have you made an RTS (or any game) before? I like the idea, but you need to flesh it out a bit. What you have there is only a vague concept, not a basic design. If you post everything you have so far, I''m sure plenty of people will be willing to help.
With a persistant world, how are you going to make it fun for someone who just has a couple hours a week to play and for people who spend 8 hours a day online? Will the economy system have some sort of upper limit on resources (like startcraft/warcraft) or be virtually unlimited (like Total Annihilation)? What happens if I''m attacked when I''m not online? How much "land" is there -- if I join up a few months in, will the existing players have staked out all the good spots?

I''m not trying to discourage you. You may already have some or all of these issues worked out. I think we need some more info if you want good feedback. Basically all we know about your idea from this post is that it''s MMORTS with some sort of teaming between players ("tribes"). That''s not much for us to go on.
The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?
Any incentive for joining underdogs or is the game going to tend towards everyone joining the same side (whoever''s ahead) and the whole thing falling apart? thinking taxes will be higher in bigger cities and towns resulting in a need to start in a small town
The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?
How do you intend to keep players interested over the long term?

If a player can take complete control of the world, and 'win' then the game is over - where's the persistence?

So we don't ever want that to happen - you have to keep the war going somehow. So how do you stop one tribe from conquering the whole world, whilst providing some form of positive feedback to give the players a reason to fight each other.

The whole MMORTS concept has a huge number of technical problems associated with it. Not necessarily unsolvable problems, but they could be very difficult. One feature which might make a MMORTS worth implementing would be diplomacy. It'd be quite neat if every player had a unique tribe, and had to form alliances with other tribes in order to survive - this would be essential in the early stages of the game. The enormous potential for backstabbing and double dealing would add a whole new dimension to the genre...

[edited by - Sandman on August 27, 2003 2:16:12 PM]
Also, instead of allowing people to join a tribe of their choice, you could tell them which tribe they are going to or limit their selection to the weaker tribes.

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Yeah I could limit them to he tribes with lowest scores....For tribes get resources from every kill (or score maybe) and the tribes can never conquer due to the fact buildign on other planets will not be possible
The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?
hmmm well thanks...this post has died i guess...
The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?

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