
New Final Fantasy game

Started by August 23, 2003 12:56 PM
6 comments, last by robert4818 21 years, 5 months ago
With the amount of memory, voice technolgy, and other thigns we can fit onto a game these days, I would like to see a resurgence of the Classic Final Fantasy style RPG using everything to the max. Think FF 4-6 using an evolved 2dBut instead of using the 2d sprites it uses something similar to the D&D games thats coming out. Leave battles about the same, and I just wonder how good the game could be... WITH GOOD DESIGN. I personally liked FFX, but definately felt there was a lot missing with the way the game was done. (no overhead map etc) FF7-8 did pretty good, but I really wasn''t a fan of the pre-rendered backgrounds...Maybe what I''m thinking of would be a cross between Final Fantasy, and the worlds of the Baldur Gates series.
Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
Snap to it then son
in ffx it the lack of a worldmap was supporting the story (long travel to destiny, ...); but i wished they would have made it a bit less linear.

concerning the gfx: hm... i loved ff7. it had the best atmosphere ever - much better then X; even though X got the better graphics

its just like comparing war2 to warcraft... warcraft beats the s*** out of war2 when it comes to atmosphere

two things i dont like about FF series:

the stories are to simple ( small startup, getting stronger, beat the boss ),
most characters are plain stereotypes (barret = wakka = xell <- the funny, easylie getting angry guy )
I have to agree...the fun part about the FF series was that it was sort of like taking part in a book or movie, more than DnD''s system. (not that i dislike it, its just a different method.) I do have to say though, that even though FF7 had the best atmosphere, Im still not a huge fan of the pre-rendered backgrounds...kinda feels like playing on a painting.....(granted its like that in other games, but feels more so with the (though excellent looking) pre-rendered.
Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
im not sure if you relalised: ffx had some prerendered backgrounds, too (sphere-library in this harbor-village i forgot the name from ). i think the thing which had tourned you off with ff7 was the great difference of picture quality between characters and background.
FFX didn''t have alot of it was though ALL pre-rendered...but no thats not it exactly. That was definately part of it...but I (not just for nostalgic reasons) just prefered the old maps better. Alot of the maps in FFX were infact Fully Polygonal. But im not fond of those either. I think a melding of the FF engine, and the Baldurs gate engine would work good....(not sure how it would be done)

Ideas presented here are free. They are presented for the community to use how they see fit. All I ask is just a thanks if they should be used.
quote: Original post by downgraded
Snap to it then son

Yes, snap to it! It would be possible, just find the roms, and hope that Square-Enix doesn''t find out!

----------Invincible intelligence isn't evincible.
quote: Original post by downgraded
Snap to it then son

Yes, snap to it! It would be possible, just find the roms, and hope that Square-Enix doesn''t find out!

----------Invincible intelligence isn't evincible.

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