
Moving on soon; searching for replacement

Started by August 20, 2003 11:43 AM
27 comments, last by Oluseyi 21 years ago
quote: Original post by Andrew Russell
quote: Original post by Michalson
He already moderates the horse forum, the only forum with less posts than Andrew Russells Music and Sound

You didn't even check that

Consoles, PDAs, and Cell Phones, Scripting Languages and Game Mods, Software Engineering, Article Proposals and Requests, Hands-On Interactive Game Development, GameDev: Arena, Cone3D, NeXe, Real Soon Now. Not to mention any *ahem* other forums.

I checked and many of these forums have had *less* posts in the last 100 days than the Mountain Climbing and Horses forum. There were 13 threads in the last 100 days in that forum and much less in Real Soon Now, NeXe (I don't even know what those are about), etc.

[edited by - clum on August 22, 2003 10:02:11 AM]
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
And I wonder how many threads there are in this forum (hint, hint, any moderators want to tell me).
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
quote: Original post by clum
And I wonder how many threads there are in this forum (hint, hint, any moderators want to tell me).

We also like to refer publicly to a certain Forum That Does Not Exist, but that''s just another moderator mystery that you may never learn.

Thanks, guys, for all the suggestions and endorsements. I''ll be closing this thread tomorrow, so get any final nominations in quick!

But if you have to go, then I guess Null and Void would make a good replacement. And at least visit often!
I like the DARK layout!
Keep safe and out of trouble whatever you end up doing Oluseyi
I nominate a large, heavily armed man to handcuff Oluseyi to the computer so he can''t leave.

Failing that, NaV should be able to do a pretty good job.

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Null and Void''s got my vote too. His knowledge is good and as far as I''ve seen he''s always polite and friendly.

Visit Da Shovvkejs.
---Mikael Lax
See ya man. You were a cool mod. I think Null and Void truly does deserve it. I nominate him.

Scott Simontis
If it wasn''t for C, we''d be using BASI, PASAL and OBOL
Scott SimontisMy political blog
Well, thanks to everyone for all the positive reviews on my time as a moderator and as a (very) active member of this community. I won''t be going that far; I''ll probably still contribute to the forums every now and then, plus I''ll stop by the IRC channel, too. And I''ll be contributing in a few other less visible ways.

Thanks for the nominations. The frontrunners have been forwarded to Dave and the other moderators, and I think we''re close to having a consensus decision. Expect the switch to be made very soon.

Thanks once again. And, probably for the last time...

Thread closed.

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