
Moving on soon; searching for replacement

Started by August 20, 2003 11:43 AM
27 comments, last by Oluseyi 21 years ago
I doubt my "vote" will matter much as I''ve always posted anonymously, but if you''re going to leave, then I''d like to see Null and Void as the new moderator. If that''s ok with him, of course.

I''d like to take this opportunity to congratulate you. You are one of the most civic moderators on this site, and I think this forum greatly benefited from it.

Hope this helps.
I''d do it in the absence of any other takers, but there seem to be some, so nevermind.

although come to think of it, I should update the email in my profile to something that isnt insanely outdated. (I don''t even think I HAVE that hotmail account anymore)

not sure why I just thought of that

or why I''m telling you people. or why I''m hitting the reply button now.
I believe that I would make an excellent moderator for this forum.

James Simmons
MindEngine Development
I vote for Null and Void, too.

Null and Void, since in my opinion he''s knowledgeble, and most importantly helpfull.
1. Null and Void
2. C-Junkie
3. CmdrM?
Oh yeah, and:

4. nes8bit
Seems like a lot of people for Null and Void, so I will probably vote for that, although I am surprised nobody voted for tuxx, since he is only one letter more than the linux mascot, and has created those great cooking tutorials.
quote: Original post by Michalson
He already moderates the horse forum, the only forum with less posts than Andrew Russells Music and Sound

You didn''t even check that

Consoles, PDAs, and Cell Phones, Scripting Languages and Game Mods, Software Engineering, Article Proposals and Requests, Hands-On Interactive Game Development, GameDev: Arena, Cone3D, NeXe, Real Soon Now. Not to mention any *ahem* other forums.

Music and Sound Rox0rZ j0ur Box0rz, sir!

BTW (gotta add something useful): Null and Void is a champ on other forums as well, so yeah - give him my vote.

Free Game: Yet Another Falling Block Game
quote: Original post by tuxx
3. CmdrM?

a.k.a. Strife

The Artist Formerly Known as CmndrM

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