
Going on vacation..

Started by August 12, 2003 08:03 AM
4 comments, last by khawk 21 years, 1 month ago
I''m going on vacation in a few hours, so depending on whether or not I have Internet access, you may or may not see updates/responses for GDArena the rest of the week and into Monday. Before I leave I will try to update the zip file with the latest enhancements. I will make an announcement for that release just like all the others.

Admin for

Khawk, did you see my screenshots-thread? There''re two screenshots you need to see, probably a bug you need to fix...
I have yet to see any screenshots when I''ve viewed that thread, and not having FTP access at work isn''t helping either.

Typing it out in words works much, much better.

Admin for

Ok, here''s the scenario... my bot''s health is on 0 and the other bot''s health is on 14 or 12 or so... and the match is still on. My bot fired a grenade at the enemy and then it died, so my bot won the match.

Another scenario is where both bots health got to 0 but one bot won the match. Apparently, the delay for the "BotName wins" message to come up must have been too much or something like that.

InitGames Software
I beleive the problem is, he''s checking to see if it''s LESS than 0, not less than or equal to... so you CAN be at 0 and not be dead. I have a screen shot (did I save it... i forget) of my and your new bot going at it with us both at 0 (you won though).
I''ve had one at 0. Either the health is actually at 0 and it''s testing for less than 0, or more likely it''s stored as a float. Mind you even then it could be less than 0. It''s not really a problem, as it doesn''t affect the working of the bot.

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