

Started by August 06, 2003 05:09 AM
2 comments, last by Swatter555 21 years, 5 months ago
I am developing a 2D stategy game with DirectDraw and I am creating some preliminary artwork for it in Paintshop Pro 7. The problem is that the 24bit graphics in bmp format are just HUGE! I am forced to create 24 bit images for DD reasons, so working with 8 bit images are out of the question. The main problem occurs when I am creating the main map artwork. I have considered breaking it up in smaller pieces, but the smaller pieces would still be huge. The map is about 10,000x6,000 pixels. In 24bit mode, the file is several hundred MB. I just know my way around PSP7, I am by no means an expert at it. Any suggestions or tricks would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
File size usually relates directly to area in .bmp, so with a pic that large it''s going to be difficult to reduce your file size. Make sure your images are at 72 dpi, no higher. You could also try saving as a .png, that should save a fair amount of space. And I would still break it up into meta-tiles for faster won''t be able to fit the entire image onscreen anyhow, so I''d divide it into sections equal to the screen resolution you''re using, or smaller.
Did you consider tiling your map? Suppose you draw a tree, and you will use it several times in your map. You only draw it once and in your map structure, you specify its ID, and your drawing function, based on each ID determines which part of the bitmap (which tile) you are referencing.

"- To begin with, said the Cat, a dog''s not mad. You grant that?
- I suppose so, said Alice.
- Well, then, - the Cat went on - you see, a dog growls when it''s angry, and wags its tail when it''s pleased. Now I growl when I''m pleased, and wag my tail when I''m angry. Therefore I''m mad."
"- To begin with, said the Cat, a dog's not mad. You grant that? - I suppose so, said Alice. - Well, then, - the Cat went on - you see, a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."
Ya, I have considered tiling and breaking it up into screen size pieces.

As far as tiling- would be too generic. My map is going to be based on a real world place and very detailed.

As far as splitting it up- I guess there is no way around that, even so the map pieces will still be huge. Also, whenever I break up a image into smaller pieces, pixel edges seem to get ragged.

I also just got my bmp loader working, that wasnt alot of fun so Ill probably stick to bmps for awhile

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