
Down the Drain Designs

Started by July 27, 2003 12:31 AM
20 comments, last by Kofman2155 21 years, 6 months ago
Original post by UltimaX They do need to make more and better games. Like you said, such a powerful system, but nothing to show for it. Playstation doesn''t have as good of graphics (Barely), but look at how many fun games there are.

Am I blind or something? Does anyone else believe the *apparent* orders of magnitude difference in power between the XBox and PS2 is a result of our hearing and knowing about the specs beforehand so that when see the consoles in action we are conditioned to give that response? Is it a self-fulfilling prophecy? I always look at the XBox and PS2 demos they have on the floor at my video game store and I don''t see the huge difference. I watch a lot of video game shows and I cannot tell which platform a game is on until they tell me. Is it just me? I''ve heard of being tone deaf, am I gfx blind or is everyone giving in to hype?
I''ve played and seen games on all three console system, and there is a noticable diffrence between them in terms of graphics.

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

with some games, there is very little (or no) difference in the graphics between the consoles; this is laziness on the developer''s part in my opinion, since they didn''t take advantage of the superior machinery. if the developers bother, though, there is a big difference.
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
I did rent, and I purchased the system for no reason really your right on that. I was sort of talked into it. I went to rent the game before purchasing, so I haven''t yet purchased my own game. SInce you can''t return games but can still return the system. I played the game again today, and the worst thing is probably those annoying buttons. Not to offend XBOX here like I said before it''s a trully amazing system. But besides HALO which I''m not to thirlled about personally is there anything else? Does anyone have a good answer to why not? When PS1 came out it was a huge hit. It had brand new capabilities and not a huge amount of games available. But becuase of shear power people started making games and eventually it became the most popular system out there. Why doesn''t XBOX follow the same principles? Is it becuase it was released with such harsh competitions. It was so new people stuck towards Nintendo or Sony. Well I don''t buy that! People bought the system with HALO in mind as their first game correct?! Well ok so you got your first hit, why aren''t there follow ups? I took the time to look at new games coming out for the system. FABLE, I swear it looks amazing. But I wonder will it have the gameplay value. I''m not criticizing the system, I''m yelling at the developers. Don''t be upset with me if I didn''t do the research. What does it matter. Look I didn''t do the research and so many others in the store who purchased the system probably didn''t either. You know those other guys the softcore gamers. If they pick up a game with a buetiful cover on it they expect a great game. If their disappointed with the game. They''ll be disappointed with the system.
Sincerly Kofman,Monkey DesignsMonkey See, Monkey Do
Original post by RolandofGilead
Original post by UltimaX They do need to make more and better games. Like you said, such a powerful system, but nothing to show for it. Playstation doesn''t have as good of graphics (Barely), but look at how many fun games there are.

Am I blind or something? Does anyone else believe the *apparent* orders of magnitude difference in power between the XBox and PS2 is a result of our hearing and knowing about the specs beforehand so that when see the consoles in action we are conditioned to give that response? Is it a self-fulfilling prophecy? I always look at the XBox and PS2 demos they have on the floor at my video game store and I don''t see the huge difference. I watch a lot of video game shows and I cannot tell which platform a game is on until they tell me. Is it just me? I''ve heard of being tone deaf, am I gfx blind or is everyone giving in to hype?

I have to say theirs a huge difference, which I first noticed at Best Buy while playing some water racing game. It was incredible. My friend owns a PS2 which I played for quite some time, and I even saw the graphics for FFX (I''m a huge fan), and I have to say that game pushed em to the limits. Temp being the owner of an XBOX I have to say that their is significant difference
Sincerly Kofman,Monkey DesignsMonkey See, Monkey Do
There are a lot of good games on X-Box. Maybe instead of looking for the newest title, you should look through the older ones and check out the different styles... As for games with graphics and no gameplay, there are a lot, you just have to play the game before you buy it like some1 up there said... But it can''t be helped, there will always be some idiot game developper that will do that.

Ps. I have a Halo 2 gameplay clip and it looks insane and since its halo, you know it will be fun :D

"Why, why why does everyone ask ''''why'''' when ''''how'''' is so much more fun"
-Spawn 1997
_________________________________________"You're just jelous because the voices only talk to me"
are you fishing for game suggestions? if so, what genres do you like?

a lot of the older games are "platinum hits" or whatever, and are generally pretty good games (and cheaper too).
--- krez ([email="krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net"]krez_AT_optonline_DOT_net[/email])
The thing abou the xbox which you may or may not have realised when you bought it is that its mainly a sports game platform. A quick lick at blockbuster will show you that about 2/3 of the games are sports or racing games. That the what the developers have chosen to do and it can''t be helped. Its also at a disadvantage interms of marketing with the other systems since it doesn''t own any existing game franchises.

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

Halo comes out for PC this year...

There goes my only reason for considering buying X-Box...

I dont know if I should try to 'help' koffman or laugh at him. Tao Feng is a very mediocre title, its silly to judge an entire system on is. Theres bad games on every system. Heres a list of my favorite xbox games:

["AAA" Titles]
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (VERY good game)
Splinter Cell
Brute Force

World Series Baseball 2K3
NCAA 2004
NBA Street Vol 2
Tiger Woods 2003

[Budget Titles]
Mad Dash Racing
Rally Sport Challenge

Those are the games I've gotten the most enjoyment out of. Your tastes may vary but at least try some better games than Tao Feng before proclaiming the system to be crap.


[edited by - ratman on July 28, 2003 3:29:27 PM]

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