
Please Test Out My Shootemup Game: Final Strike

Started by July 21, 2003 10:41 AM
10 comments, last by bugboy 21 years, 5 months ago
I'm working on a vertical shootemup game with new elements and I was hoping some people could play it and help me improve it. It's called Final Strike and it basically has insane gameplay with alot of new elements not found in any other shooters. Theres tons of special weapons, a weapons shop, a branching plotline, specific objectives and 12 different ships. Try it out! Its quite fun. This is a demo with 3 levels. Download it Here Checkout the Homepage Here's a few screenshots to entice you. Please tell me if it worked on your computer, how fast it went, what you liked and disliked about it. Bugboy [edited by - bugboy on July 21, 2003 11:43:59 AM] [edited by - bugboy on July 21, 2003 11:44:51 AM]
Good work, all you need is polished graphics and you''ve got yourself an addicting game. I really didn''t like the insect level, it was hard to see them at points and the entire beginning was totally confusing, I didn''t know what does damage and what doesn''t. I like how you are able to purchase other ships, you should also be able to purchase weapons for ships and sheilds, but that might get complicated. Anyway, well done. Oh and you better hope Paramount doesn''t come after you for putting the Enterprise in your game, with minor adjustments. Picard could have really used those cannons you''ve got there.


-= kill one your a murderer, kill thousands your a conquerer =-
-= kill one you're a murderer, kill thousands you're a conquerer =-
Actually you can upgrade you weapons in the shop, maybe you didn''t notice it.

BTW, the game is branching. If you didn''t like the Insect level play it again and this time DONT destroy the sub in level one. This will take you to a different level which is probly the best in the demo.

Oh and I''ll have to ask Paramount about this Enterprise issue.
What am I doing wrong? All the other "Please test my game posts" are getting loads of replies. Maybe gamedev just doesn''t like shootemups.

I liked it. It was like 1942 on Steroids. Could use better graphics, but still enjoyed it.
Very impressive. I thought it was very well done. There is still room for improvement as with all projects. I only had one major problem. The city level background tiles kept flashing and shaking. I''m not sure if you planned that effect or not but it got annoying. Other than that it was quite enjoyable. I liked the sheer number of enemies all coming at me at once. Very cool. A two player option might be a fun idea.
Hi, I just downloaded and played your game and here are my suggestions:

- The sound effects aren''t all that great, but the music isn''t bad for this type of game, but fix the way it repeats: halfway through the first level it stopped and there was silence for a minute or so and it started again. Fix up the sound effects and this area should be alright.

- The enemy graphics are pretty good, but some of the tile art in the background can be repetitive.

- You should pick up the game''s pace. It feels way too slow for this type of game. Take a look at something like R-Type for a good pace for this type of game.

- The weapons are good and the explosion effects are pretty good too. I like the ability to buy different types of ships.

- Do a little optimizing in your graphics functions. When there''s about 20-30 of those little planes in the first level on screen and firing at me, the frame-rate bogs down on my computer: 800 MHz, 256 MB RAM, Radeon 7500 Video Card.

- The background effects in Level 3 is a kind of hard to look at.

- I think the enemy bullets got clobbered in video memory, because they looked different halfway through the first level than they did when I started. Also, at various points in the first level, the whole screen would skew and turn a bit orange.

- If you''re selling this game as shareware (I think you are from the disabled features, etc.), then run a spellcheck on the text in your game. And, I''m not sure... maybe someone could tell me wether or not I am right... but you probably shouldn''t reference other games (like starfox in your help menu pg. 1) inside your game.

You''ve got a good game built up, you just need to polish, optimize, and tweak it a bit to make it run well, look and feel professional, and be well-paced and balanced.

Hope this helps!
--------------------------------------------------Never tempt fate, fate has no willpower.
>> The city level background tiles kept flashing and shaking. I''m not sure if you planned that effect or not but it got annoying.

Yeah that is intentional. I''m gonna take it out though, just about everybody else shares your opinion.

>> The sound effects aren''t all that great, but the music isn''t bad for this type of game, but fix the way it repeats: halfway through the first level it stopped and there was silence for a minute or so and it started again. Fix up the sound effects and this area should be alright.

I think it''s because of the particular midi you were listening to. One of them has a big empty section at the end.

I do plan to sell this as shareware, but it''s far from being done. Thanks for your replies, folks, lets keep the posts a come''in!
Too slowwww
My computer: PII 466mhz
sdrom 64mb

it''s too old to run fast
With game programming,I believe I can create new WORLD!

And not just that - but just boring in general. Personally, you need something to spice it up. Also - what is with the cross-hair? It has nothing to do with the interface. Hell, it can''t even interact with the interface. You know how to make the cursor go away, right? Also, your rendering algorithem for the in game shots should be worked on a bit, because sometimes it would be fast as shit when It was just the plane flying over an empty bay of water, but once 30 Japanes fighters came into the screen, everything slowed down significantly. I''m not sure if that was in the printing of the graphics or AI, or something like that, but there definetly is work to be done if you plan on acutally selling this thing.
Disgruntled designers are always the best ones

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